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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 26(2); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1996;26(2): 125-140.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1996.26.2.125
한국산 자생 마속 ( Dioscorea ) 식물 식별형질에 대한 다변량 분석
오용자, 장진성, 이경아
Morphometric analyses of Dioscorea of Korea
Yong Cha Oh, Chin Sung Chang, Kyung Ah Lee
The genus Dioscorea L. in Korea was analyzed by a multivariate technique and by a clustering technique (UPGMA) to help interpret the pattern of variation and recognize taxonomic groups. Because taxa within the genus are often separated by quantitative rather than qualitative characters, many representative individuals were sampled with 27 characters in an attempt to provide an adequate representation of the pattern of variation within each species. Twenty-seven quantitative characters were important in distinguishing these species. Especially two major groups (D. japonica, D. batatas, D. tenuipes, D. tokoro vs D. nipponica, D. quinqueloba) were discernable based on leaf lobe number, leaf width, and inflorescence length. Several characters, such as leaf lobe, fruit width and seed wing length show complete separation between D. japonica and D. batatas. In addition, while leaf length/width, lobe length and width, petiole length and outer perianth width characters were helpful in distinguishing D. tenuipes from D. tokoro, petiole length, vein number, outer perianth length and width, fruit length characters support D. nipponica and D. quinqueloba as a separate species, respectively. A key was provided to the six species as a result of the quantitative analyses as well as an interpretation of qualitative data regarding fruits and seeds.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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