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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 28(4); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1998;28(4): 343-355.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1998.28.4.343
RAPD Markers 를 이용한 한국산 연 ( Nelumbo nucifera ) 의 유전적 변이 분석
김현, 송미장, 김기중, 이종우, 장원길, 강경홍
Genetic Variation Analysis of Korean Lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera ) using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) Markers
Hyun Kim, Mi Jang Song, Ki Joomg Kim, Chong Woo Lee, Won Gil Chang, Kyong Hong Kang
Nelumbo nucifera has been used for many purposes from the prehistoric times. This research tried to develop molecular markers and to identify genetic variation of N. nucifera using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Data matrix was made from 13 primers×62 genetic characters. The profile of the amplification products was almost shown to have polymorphic band patterns, and 13 primers yielded were good DNA markers. Genetic characters which had 1∼3 different band among 36 accessions were sixteen. These numbers occupied 25.8% among the total of 62 numbers. Additionally, the genome of N. nucifera was divided into at least three subgenomic groups. These results showed that the genome of N. nucifera had a high level of genetic diversity.
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