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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 31(4); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2001;31(4): 375-382.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2001.31.4.375
한국 미기록 귀화식물 (17)
길지현 , 서민환 , 박수현
Unrecorded and naturalized plants in Korea (17)
Ji-Hyun Kil, Min-Hwan Suh, Soo-Hyun Park
Three naturalized taxa in Korea such as Scleranthus annuus L., Verbena bonariensis L. and Hordeum jubatum L. were newly recorded. Short descriptions and illustrations for the these species were provided. Especially, Scleranthus L. is first recorded as a new genus of Korean flora.
KeyWords: Naturalized species, Scleranthus annuus, Verbena bonariensis, Hordeum jubatum
주요어: 귀화식물, 다북개미자리, 버들마편초, 긴까락보리풀
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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