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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 32(4); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2002;32(4): 363-382.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2002.32.4.363
한국산 사초과 3속 (검정방동산이속, 좀바늘사초속, 너도고랭이속)의 분류학적 검토
오용자 , 이창숙 , 이재경
A taxonomic study on the Fuirena, Kobresia, and Scleria of Korea(Cyperaceae)
Yong Cha Oh, Chang Shook Lee, Jae Kyung Lee
Morphological characters of three taxa belonging to three genera (Fuirena, Kobresia, and Scleria) in Korean Cyperaceae were reexamined. The anatomical patterns of stems and leaves, and epidermal patterns of achenes and leaves were investigated by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a light microscope (LM). Based upon the results, the scientific and Korean names, which have not been clearly established, were reviewed. Morphological characters such as length and width of stem, leaf, bract, scale, achene, and shape of achene, spikelet, style base, scale, perianth, and anatomical characters such as shape of stem and leaf, shape of achene epidermal cell and silica body of leaf, size and frequency of stomatal complex, presence of bulliform cell were useful for an identification of the three taxa.
KeyWords: SEM, stem, leaf, achene, epidermal patterns, SEM
주요어: 줄기, , 수과, 표피형
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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