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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 33(4); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2003;33(4): 373-386.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2003.33.4.373
ITS 염기서열에 의한 미치광이풀속의 계통
김영동 , 백진협 , 김성희 , 홍석표
Phylogeny of Scopolia Jacq. s. str. based on ITS sequences
Young-Dong Kim, Jin-Hyub Paik, Sung-Hee Kim, Suk-Pyo Hong
Internal transcribed spacer(ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA were determined for 14 individuals representing eight taxa from Scopolia s. str. and related genera, Anisodus and Atropanthe. We found that the ITS sequences of Korean endemic species, S. parviflora, are significantly different from its allied species, S. japonica. This is contradictory to traditional taxonomic treatments in which those species are regarded as conspecific. S. parviflora exhibited closer relationship to S. carniolica, which is disjunctly distributed in Europe. In spite of substantially high sequence divergence between S. japonica and S. parvifloral S. carniolica clade, morphological resemblance is evident among the species. Morphological stasis concept (retardation of morphological differentiation or evolution of similar characters among the disjuncts in a similar ecological habitat) was referred to understand this rather unusual evolutionary feature. S. lutescens, another Korean endemic species, shared almost identical ITS sequences with S. parviflora. Lack of diagnostic character distinguishing the taxa suggests that they are conspecific. Anisodus carniolicoides, which was originally described in Scopolia, was grouped with A. luridus and A. tanguticus. The monophyletic Anisodus formed a sister gruop relationship with a monotypic genus Atropanthe.
KeyWords: Anisodus, Atropanthe, ITS, Phylogeny, Scopolia s. str., Sequence variation
주요어: 계통, 미치광이풀속, 염기서열 변이
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