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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(3); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(3): 202-206.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.3.202
제비꽃속(제비꽃과)의 신종: 울릉제비꽃(Viola ulleungdoensis M. Kim & J. Lee)
이정심 , 최창학 , 한경숙 , 소순구 , 황용 , 김무열
A New species of Viola (Violaceae): V. ulleungdoensis M. Kim & J. Lee
Jung Sim Lee, Chang Hak Choi, Kyeong Suk Han, Soon Ku So, Yong Hwang, Mu Yeol Kim
A new species, Viola ulleungdoensis M. Kim & J. Lee is named and described from 1s. Ulleung, Gyeongsangbukdo Province, Korea. Molecular data confirmed that this new taxon was distinguished from other congeneric species. The Viola ulleungdoensis shares several characteristics (acaulescent leaves, beardless lateral petals, glabrous petioles and peduncles, etc.) with its related species V. selkirkii, but is distinct from V. selkirkii which has present adventitious buds, same leaves after flowering, small leaves, and high altitude habitats by having absent adventitious buds, larger leaves after flowering, large leaves, and low altitude habitats.
KeyWords: Viola ulleungdoensis, V. selkirkii, Violaceae
주요어: 울릉제비꽃, 뫼제비꽃, 제비꽃과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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