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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(4): 263-266.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.4.263
Jasminum attenuatum Roxb ex G Don: 베트남 미기록종
이창영 , 이중구
Jasminum attenuatum Roxb. ex G Don (Oleaceae): a new record to the flora of Vietnam
Chang Young Lee, Joong Ku Lee
Jasminum attenuatum Roxb. ex G. Don, a species of Oleaceae, was recently found in Kon Ka Kinh National Park of Vietnam that represents a new record to the flora of the country. The plant can be differentiated from its allied species J. latipetalum C.B. Clarke and J. simplicifolium subsp. funale (Decne) Kiew by the shape of its leaf blade, in having 5-20 flowered inflorescence, linear bracts, and obconic and glabrous calyx with shorter lobes. The present study provides the species description, illustrations, micrographs by scanning electron microscope of the pollen grains, and important taxonomic notes. Furthermore, a comparison of the diagnostic characters between this species and the above mentioned related species is made.
KeyWords: Jasminum attenuatum, Jasminum attenuatum, new record, Oleaceae, Vietnam
주요어: 미기록종, 물푸레나무과, 베트남
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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