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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(3); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(3): 171-174.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.3.171
개별꽃속(석죽과)의 신종: 애기개별꽃(Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis M. Kim)
조현 , 신창근 , 김무열
A new species of Pseudostellaria (Caryophyllaceae): P. baekdusanensis M. Kim
Hyun Jo, Chang Keun Shin, Mu Yeol Kim
A new species, Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis M. Kim (Caryophyllaceae), has been named and described from Mt. Baekdu of the Korean peninsula. Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis shares several characteristics (same size leaves, axillary or terminal flowers, emaginate petals, etc.) with its related species P. japonica (Korshinsky) Pax. It is, however, distinct from P. japonica which have large plant (25-35 cm), leaf blade margins and midveins with long hairs, shallow emaginate petal apex, (2) 3 styles, and cleistogamic flowers by having small plants (9-13 cm), leaf blade basal margins with long hairs, deep emaginate petal apex, 2 styles, and non-cleistogamic flowers.
KeyWords: Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis, Caryophyllaceae, Mt. Baekdu
주요어: 애기개별꽃, 석죽과, 백두산
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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