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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(4); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(4): 242-246.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.4.242
한반도 미기록 식물: 깃주름고사리(개고사리과)
이창숙 , 이강협 , 고순열
First record of Diplazium mettenianum (Miq.) C. Chr. var. metteniamum (Athyriaceae) from Korea
Chang Shook Lee, Kang Hyup Lee, Sun Yeul Ko
The newly recorded species, Diplazium mettenianum (Miq.) C. Chr. var. mettenianum (Athyriaceae) was collected from a forest in Min-oreum, Jeju-do. D. mettenianum var. mettenianum (vernacular name: ‘Kit-ju-reum-go-sa-ri’) is distinguished from other Korean congeners of the genus Diplazium by having pinnae shallowly or halfway lobed, lower pinnae stalked, lanceolate, pinna segments serrate margin and obtuse apex. A new Korean name, ‘Kit-ju-reum-go-sa-ri’, was given based on the shape of pinna halfway lobed. Descriptions and illustrations of this taxon and its photograph in the habitat are provided along with a key to the species of Diplazium from Korea.
KeyWords: Diplazium mettenianum var. mettenianum, Athyriaceae, first report
주요어: 깃주름고사리, 개고사리과, 미기록
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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