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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 26(4); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1996;26(4): 263-269.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1996.26.4.263
상사화속의 1 신변종 ; 위도상사화
Lycoris flavescens var. uydoensis M. Kim - A new variety of Lycoris ( Amaryllidaceae ) from Korea
Mu Yeol Kim
A new taxon of Lycoris is described from Isl. Uy, Chonbuk Province, Korea Lycoris flavescens var. uydoensis M. Kim is different from var. flavescens in having ivory white flowers. The former is also larger than the latter especially in the perianth tube length, perianth segment width, and peduncle length. However, the new variety shares several common characters such as chromosome number (2n=19), smooth tepal margin, and sterile fruit with var. flavescens.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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