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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 26(3); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1996;26(3): 219-233.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1996.26.3.219
시호속 ( 산형과 ) 의 ribosomal DNA 변이와 계통
최홍근, 김호준, 신현철, 김영동
Phylogeny and ribosomal DNA variations of Bupleurum ( Umbelliferae )
Hong Keun Choi, Ho Joon Kim, Hyun Chur Shin, Young Dong Kim
Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes of B. komarovianum, B. scorzoneraefolium B. longiradiatum, and B. euphorbioides have been analyzed by means of Southern blot hybridization and the sequencing of internal transcribed spacer regions to figure out the molecualr variation of the genus. Five restriction enzymes including EcoRI and BamHI were used to digest genomic DNAs. EcoRI digestion produced the repeating units of 1.8 Kb and 3.6 Kb restriction fragments, and BamHI digestion produced 1.2 Kb and 2.6 Kb repeating fragments. We have confirmed the restriction site variation and the length variation of ribisomal DNA in Bupleurum. Three trees were constructed on the base of restriction fragment length polymorphism and the sequences of ITS region; B. komarovianum and B. scorzoneraefolium were clustered as one sister group and B. longiradiatum and B. euphorbioides as another one.
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