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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 28(1); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1998;28(1): 1-24.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1998.28.1.001
터리풀속 ( Filipendula Adans. ) 의 과실형태에 의한 분류
이상태, 이정민
A taxonomic study of the Filipendula Adans. ( Rosaceae ) on the basis of fruit morphology
Sang Tae Lee, Jung Min Lee
Fruits (achenes) of sixteen species and 20 taxa belonging to Filipendula Adans. (Rosaceae) were investigated with a stereromicroscope. The result well supported the Shimizu (1961) system in which the genus was divided into three subgenera such as Hypogyna, Ulmaria, and Filipendula, and the subgenus Ulmaria into four sections such as Schalameya, Albicoma, Sessilia, and Ulmaria. It was found that F. vestita (Wall.) Maxim. belonging to section Sessilia should be moved to section Schalameya. Fruit key to the species and descriptions of each species were made. Taxonomic problems between species were also discussed.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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