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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 32(4); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2002;32(4): 397-416.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2002.32.4.397
한국산 제비꽃속 노랑제비꽃절의 분류학적 연구 -형태학적 형질을 중심으로-
A taxonomic study of Viola section Chamaemelanium in Korea-based on morphological characters
Sung Soo Whang
A taxonomic study of Viola section Chamaemelanium in Korea, based on morphological characters, was conducted with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Two species, V. orientalis W. Becker and V. brevistipulata {Fr. et Sav.} W. Becker, are recognized by rhizome and cauline habits, trichomes on the ovary and the shape and beards of stigmas. The latter can be split further into three varieties, var. brevistipulata, var. minor Nakai and var. laciniata (Boiss.) W. Becker, according to the leaf morphology in particular. Viola brevistipulata var. laciniata has the most tooth number, and its teeth are irregular erose but the other two varieties are regular sinuate or serrate. As for the size of leaves, V. brevistipular var. brevistipulata is the largest but V. brevistipulata var. minor is the smallest among the varities. Of them, V. brevistipulata var. laciniata is newly recorded in Korea. It was also revealed that both development and arrangement of the beards developed on the ovary and stigma were particularly diagnostic in the identification of the Viola section Chamaemelanium species.
KeyWords: morphology, taxonomy, Viola section Chamaemelanium
주요어: 형태, 분류, 제비꽃속, 노랑제비꽃절
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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