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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 33(4); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2003;33(4): 411-420.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2003.33.4.411
한국산 열당과 종자 형태의 분류학적 적용
안범철 , 홍석표
Systematic application of seed morphology in Korean Orobanchaceae
Beom-Cheol An, Suk-Pyo Hong
To examine the seed morphology in Korean Orobanchaceae, seeds of 5 species including 1 variety in five genera and one related taxon, Boschniakia himalaica Hook. f. & Thomson in Hook. f. from the Himalaya (7 taxa in total) were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two different seed types are recognized depending on three characters (e.g, . the seed size, seed coat structure and seed number per fruit). -Type Ⅰ: size less than 1㎜, seed coat structure reticulate and seed number per fruit more than ca. 1,000; Type Ⅱ: size more than 1㎜, exotesta irregularly crested and seed number per fruit less than 1,000(Lathraea japonica Miq.). In Type Ⅰ, three subtypes of exotesta internal surface pattern can also be classified; (1) Subtype Ia: reticulate - include irregularly striate (Ia`) and deeply reticulate (Ia″), (2) Subtype Ib: foveolate, (3) Subtype Ic: smooth. Systematics application of the seed morphological data for the Korean Orobanchaceae is also briefly discussed.
KeyWords: SEM, Seed morphology, SEM, parasitic plant, Lathraea, Phacellanthus, Orobanchaceae
주요어: 종자형태, 기생식물, 개종용속, 가지더부살이속, 열당과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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