개나리족 및 근연분류군(물푸레나무과)의 잎 표피 미세구조에 대한 분류학적 검토 |
송준호 , 홍석표 |
The systematic consideration of leaf epidermal microstructure in the tribe Forsythieae and its related genera (Oleaceae) |
Jun Ho Song, Suk Pyo Hong |
Abstract |
A comparative study of leaf epidermal microstructure in tribes Forsythieae (Abliophyllum: 1species, Forsythia: 12taxa -10species, 2varieties), Fontanesieae (Fontanesia: 2species) including one related genus Myxopyrum belonging to Myxopyreae (Myopuyrum: 5taxa -4species, 1 subspecies) was carried out using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) in order to evaluate their significance in the taxonomy. The leaves of investigated taxa are either hypostomatic or amphistomatic, but former is more frequent. The size range of the guard cells is 17.14-47.58 ×11.59-44.25 μm: the smallest one was found in Forsythia giraldiana (17.48-22.96×11.64-12.88μm), while the largest one was measured to Myxopyrum pierrei (31.50-41.75×32.53-44.25μm). Anomocytic stomatal complex are most firqueant type (rarely paracytic), usually both anomocytic and anisocytic occur in one leaf. In surface view both adaxial and abaxial anticlinal walls of the subsidiary cells are variable (e.g., straight/curved, undulate, sinuate, undulate/sinuate). Three types (simple unicellular and multicellualar non-glandular, subsessile glandular) of trichomes are found in leaves. Finally, the systematic significance of the leaf epidermal micromorphological characters in idenfitication and elucidation of these tribe, between or within the genera including among the species is also briefly discussed. |
Leaf epidermal microstructure, Stomatal complex, Trichome, Forsythieae, Oleaceae |
잎 표피 미세구조, 기공복합체, 모용, 개나리족, 물푸레나무과 |