한반도 가시나무(참나무과)의 분포 및 자생지 현황 |
이정현 , 이동혁 , 최혁재 , 최병희 , , , |
The distribution and population status of Quercus myrsinifolia (Fagaceae) on the Korean peninsula |
Jung Hyun Lee, Dong Hyuk Lee, Hyeok Jae Choi, Yoshihisa Suyama, Toshiaki Kindo, Yuji Lsagi, Byyung Hee Choi |
Abstract |
Most evergreen Quercus species are typical, dominant members of Korean evergreen forests. However, little is known about the distribution status of Q. myrsinifolia Blume there. To enhance our knowledge about their natural range in Korea, we conducted field surveys based on specimen records and an extensive literature search. We also determined their exact number as a first step in planning their conservation. The results indicated that these trees are strictly limited to Jin Island, and 169 mature individuals were the maximum number and occurred in only three subpopulations on that island. Previous misidentifications and perhaps mislabeled locations for plant specimens were the main reasons for earlier confusion about distribution. We believe that these results can provide guidance when making specific recommendations for management interventions. These discoveries also demonstrate the value in having reliable information about plant specimens in general. We also speculated about what makes this species particularly vulnerable to local extinction. |
Conservation, Jin Island, Korean Peninsula, mature individuals, Quercus myrsinifolia, restricted distribution |
가시나무, 보전, 성체, 제한적 분포, 진도, 한반도 |