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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 48(1); 2018 > Article
압해도(전라남도 신안군)의 식물상

적 요

전라남도 신안군에 위치한 압해도의 관속식물상을 조사하고 분포가 확인된 주요 식물에 대해 논의 하였다. 2011년 5월부터 2016년 3월까지 총 28일간 현지조사를 통해 확보된 표본에 근거하여 식물목록을 작 성한 결과, 압해도에 분포하는 관속식물은 102과 294속에 속하는 413종 6아종 30변종 2품종 등 총 451분류 군으로 정리되었다. 이 중에서 멸종위기 및 희귀식물은 왕자귀나무, 병아리다리, 성주풀 등 9분류군이 확인 되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 V등급 4분류군, IV등급 6분류군, III등급 19분류군, II등급 4분류군, I등급 26분류군 등 총 59분류군이 조사되었다. 특산식물은 새끼노루귀, 좀땅비싸리, 해변싸리 등 6분류군이 확인되 었다. 귀화식물은 생태계교란식물인애기수영, 미국쑥부쟁이, 서양금혼초 등을 포함하여 총 52분류군으로 나 타났다. 압해대교 개통 전후에 수행된 선행연구 비교를 통하여 압해도의 귀화식물 변화를 분석하였다.


We investigated vascular plants of Aphaedo Island in Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea. By referring to voucher specimens collected over the course of 28 days from May of 2011 to March of 2016, a total of 451 taxa were identified and grouped into 102 families, 294 genera, 413 species, 6 subspecies, 30 varieties, and 2 forms, of which 9 taxa were classified as endangered or rare, including Albizia kalkora, Salomonia oblongifolia, and Centranthera cochinchinensis var. lutea. A total of 59 taxa were identified as regional indicator plants. Six taxa were endemic to Korea, including Hepatica insularis, Indigofera koreana, and Lespedeza maritima. Three taxa (Rumex acetosella, Aster pilosus, and Hypochaeris radicata) among 52 naturalized taxa were ecosystem- disturbing plants as designated by the Ministry of the Environment. The results of preceding floristic research before and after the inauguration of the Aphaedaegyo (bridge) were used to analyze changes in the number of naturalized species on Aphaedo Island.

Aphaedo Island is located in the southwest end of Korea. It belongs to Aphae-eup in Shinan-gun in Jeollanam-do. Aphaedo Island is adjacent to Muan-gun on the east, Amtaedo Island on the west, Mokpo-si on the south, and Jido Island on the north. Aphaedo Island is connected to Mokpo-si through the Aphaedaegyo Bridge. It is also connected with Muan-gun through the Kimdaejungdaegyo Bridge. Aphaedo Island is the main island of Aphae-eup consisting of 60 uninhabited islands and 8 inhabited islands, including Garando Island, Goyido Island, and Maehwado Island. The area of Aphaedo Island is 48.87 km2, and the coastline reaches 81.9 km (Shinan-gun Office, 2016). Aphaedo Island is a mountainous area formed by Holmaesan Mountain (or Inmaesan Mountain, elev. 138.2 m) to the north of the island and Songgongsan Mountain (elev. 234.1 m) which is the highest peak of the western end. The center and the southeast of the island are flat while its outskirts are hilly areas of about 100 m in elevation. The entire island is surrounded by tidal-flats. Its coastline has a lot of bays and capes. However, its coastline is monotonous due to reclamation and paddy fields. It is said that the name (Aphae, 押海 in Chinese character) of this island is derived from the shape of the island spreading on three sides, pressing (押) the sea (海) (National Geographic Information Institute, 2010).
Shinan-gun, including Aphaedo Island, has an average annual temperature of 14.4°C as of 2015. Its average temperatures in January (the coldest month) and in August (the hottest month) are 2.5°C and 25.9°C, respectively, with a difference of 23.4°C. It has a temperate oceanic climate (Shinan-gun Office, 2016). Aphaedo Island belongs to the south coast subdistrict of the floristic region of the Korean peninsula (Lee and Yim, 2002). A total of 154 taxa (134 species, 18 varieties, and 2 forms) of 61 families and 124 genera were recorded at Aphaedo Island in floristic studies for 32 islands (distributed in the West and South Coast of Korea) conducted from June 2003 to October 2003 by Park (2004). Jeong et al. (2011) have reported 103 taxa from Aphaedo Island based on voucher specimens obtained from 11 islands in Shinan-gun in 2003 and 2010 (the list of plants growing in the region was counted as 102 taxa). Nam et al. (2012) have surveyed the flora of three islands (Aphaedo Island, Bigeumdo Island, Dochodo Island) belonging to Shinan-gun from May to September 2010 and reported 379 taxa from Aphaedo Island (the list of plants growing in the region was counted as 380 taxa). Hwang et al. (2013) have surveyed 15 islands in Shinan-gun from September 2004 to September 2010 and reported 287 taxa from Aphaedo Island. Kim (2008) has also reported 68 taxa of naturalized plants from Aphaedo Island in an ecological study on vegetation distribution of coastal islands.
The objective of the present study was to update vascular plant flora of Aphaedo Island and determine the distribution of major plants such as endangered species, rare plants, endemic plants of the Korean Peninsula, and regional indicator species representing the south coast subdistrict flora. Another purpose of this study was to understand changes of flora in comparison with previous studies. The island was connected to the main land by Aphaedaegyo in 2008. After that, Shinangun Office was moved in 2011 and Kimdaejungdaegyo was opened in 2013. In 2018 there will be an inauguration of the Saecheonnyeondaegyo Bridge connecting Aphaedo Island and Amtaedo Island. This study was conducted to obtain basic data on the conservation and management of Aphaedo Island’s biological resources, which are under high development pressure as the island is Shinan-gun’s administrative and transportation center.

Materials and Methods

A field survey was conducted for a total of 28 days from May 2011 to March 2016 to examine the flora of Aphaedo Island. The scope of the survey covered vascular plants that appeared all over the area of Aphaedo Island, encompassing 10 administrative districts: Songgong-ri and Daecheon-ri, including Songgongsan Mountain, the highest peak (234.1 m) in the island; Dongseo-ri and Bunmae-ri (plains district through which Route 2 passes); Sinsang-ri (where Shinan-gun Office and Aphaedaegyo is located); Janggam-ri; Hakgyo-ri (including town office); Bongryong-ri (with Kimdaejungdaegyo connecting to mainland); Garyong-ri and Sinyong-ri (composed of hilly areas and farmlands of Holmaesan Mountain) (Fig. 1, Table 1). We collected samples in various plant growth environments such as coast, mountains, villages, farmland, and roads in the survey area on foot. In this process, individuals with reproductive organs such as flower, fruit, and sporangium were collected and prepared as dried specimens. Location, habitat, and identification of specimens were entered into the National Biological Resources Input System of the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) in Korea. Voucher specimens were deposited at the herbarium of NIBR (KB).
Identification and classification of these collected plants were performed with reference to Lee (1996a, 1996b), Lee (2003), Lee (2006), Park (2009), Park et al. (2008, 2011), and Hoshino and Masaki (2011). Scientific and common names were based on National List of Species of Korea (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2017) and Synonymic List of Vascular Plants in Korea (Korea National Arboretum and The Plant Taxonomic Society of Korea, 2007). The list of identified plants was arranged according to the Genera of Vascular Plants of Korea (Park, 2007). All plant names in list were based on voucher specimens. Taxa below the genus were arranged in alphabetical order. If there were several collections of voucher specimens for the same taxon, the first sampled specimen was presented. These investigated plants were reviewed in detail by the Red Data Book of Endangered Vascular Plants in Korea (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012), Rare Plants Data Book in Korea (Korea National Arboretum, 2008), regional indicator species (National Institute of Environmental Research, 2012), endemic plants of Korean Peninsula (Chung et al., 2017), and the list of naturalized plants (Bang, 2014) presented in the Ministry of Environment’s “1st Alien Species Management Plan”.

Results and Discussion

List of vascular plants

A total of 451 taxa (413 species, 6 subspecies, 30 varieties, and 2 forms) in 102 families 294 genera of vascular plants growing on Aphaedo Island were identified, including 13 species of ferns (in 10 families 11 genera), 7 species of gymnosperms (in 2 families 4 genera), and 431 taxa (393 species, 6 subspecies, 30 varieties, and 2 forms) of angiosperms in 90 families 279 genera (Table 2, Appendix 1). This is equivalent to 10.1% of 4,455 taxa of the Korean Peninsula (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2017), 35.5% of 1,271 taxa of vascular plants distributed in the southern coastal district of Korea (Oh et al., 2004), and 32.7% of 1,379 species of vascular plants known to be distributed in southwestern islands in Korea (Oh et al., 2010). A total of 586 taxa (species and infra-specific taxa) have been reported from Aphaedo Island, including 154 taxa by Park (2004), 68 taxa by Kim (2008), 102 taxa by Jeong et al. (2011), 383 taxa by Nam et al. (2012), and 287 taxa by Hwang et al. (2013). Compared to previous studies, 119 taxa were newly identified in this study. Thus, a total of 705 taxa (635 species, 8 subspecies, 58 varieties, and 4 varieties) in 117 families 390 genera of vascular plants have been reported in Aphaedo Island so far, including the 119 taxa identified in the current study. Among them, cultivated plants were 25 taxa (species and infra-specific taxa), including Ginkgo biloba L., Castanea crenata Siebold & Zucc. and Lagerstroemia indica L. etc.. Excluding cultivated plants reported in this study and previous studies, 680 taxa (611 species, 8 subspecies, 57 varieties, and 4 varieties) belonging to 110 families 373 genera of vascular plants are found to be native to Aphaedo Island (Appendix 1).
Among vascular plants identified in this study, evergreen broad-leaved trees were 11 taxa: Quercus salicina Blume, Camellia japonica L., C. sasanqua Thunb., Eurya japonica Thunb., Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb., Euonymus japonicus Thunb., Ilex crenata Thunb., Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch., Hedera rhombea (Miq.) Bean, Vitex rotundifolia L. f., and Ligustrum japonicum Thunb.. Among these taxa, Camellia japonica, Hedera rhombea, and evergreen fern species Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw., Pteris multifida Poir., and Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl. are southern plants that are expected to grow in population size and range expansion to the north due to temperature increase caused by global climate change. These are taxa that are designated and managed by the Ministry of Environment as national climate change index species (Lee et al., 2010). In addition, halophytes growing on salt fields and sea shores including mud flats, sand dunes, and rocks (Na and Hyun, 2015) were classified into 41 taxa (species and infraspecific taxa) in 18 families 32 genera (Table 3). This corresponds to 9.1% of plants distributed on Aphaedo Island. Among these, 15 taxa such as Salsola komarovii Iljin, Suaeda japonica Makino, and Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom. are newly reported species in this study. Suaeda glauca (Bunge) Bunge, Suaeda australis (R. Br.) Moq., Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort., and Salicornia europaea L. are known as representative halophyte species of Chenopodiaceae. They were found in tidal flats, salt fields, and around the marina in Garyong-ri and Sinjang-ri.

Endangered and rare plants

The following nine taxa are classified as Threatened (critically endangered [CR], endangered [EN], vulnerable [VU]) and near threatened (NT) category in the Red Data Book of Endangered Vascular Plants in Korea (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012) and the Rare Plants Data Book in Korea (Korea National Arboretum, 2008): Albizia calcareous (Roxb.) Prain, Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc., Salomonia oblongifolia DC., Bupleurum falcatum L., Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara) H. Hara, Utricularia bifida L., Hololeion maximowiczii Kitam., Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f., and Pogonia japonica Rchb. f. (Table 4). Juniperus chinensis L. belongs to VU in the Red List category. However, it is excluded from the list as it is a planted species.
Albizia kalkora (Fig. 2A) was growing in foothills of Garyong-ri coast and in hills near Bunmae-ri ranch as reported in previous studies (Park, 2004; Jeong et al., 2011; Nam et al., 2012; Hwang et al., 2013). In addition, it has been found in uninhabited islands such as Songgongsan Mountain, Godongseom Island, Dolseom Island, Odo Island, Jeongjudo Island, and Haeduseom Island which belongs to Aphaedo Island (Hwang, 2017). Wisteria japonica (Fig. 2B) was observed in Hakgyo-ri Holmaesan Mountain area. Salomonia oblongifolia (Fig. 2C) was growing on the eastern slope of Bokryong-ri opposite to Holmaesan Mountain. Bupleurum falcatum was growing together in the native area of Albizia kalkora in Bunmae-ri. Centranthera cochinchinensis (Fig. 2D), Utricularia bifida (Fig. 2E), Hololeon maximowiczii (Fig. 2G), and Pogonia japonica (Fig. 2I) were distributed on the southern slope of Songgongsan Mountain bordering Songgong-ri and Daecheon-ri. In this slope, regional indicator species and a variety of mountain wetland plants have been identified, including V grade species Utricularia racemosa Wall. ex Walp. (Fig. 2F) and IV grade species such as Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. (Fig. 2H), Scleria rugosa R. Br., Rhynchospora chinensis Nees & Meyen, Scleria parvula Steud., Parnassia palustris L. var. multiseta Ledeb., Habenaria linearifolia Maxim., and so on. However, they were close to low-lying trails, causing concern about degradation of native habitat and disturbance of the ecosystem due to influx of invasive plants. There are also private forests and forests owned by families of same clan. Therefore, the possibility of habitat damage due to anthropogenic activity such as mountain clearing and installation of facilities cannot be excluded. In 2007, a bonsai park was constructed on the southern side of Songgongsan Mounatain, damaging much of the wetlands. However, in the upper area of the park, a wetland ecological garden was created and a part of it was preserved. In the future, it is necessary to conduct a detailed survey on wetlands distributed throughout Songgongsan Mountain and prepare conservation plans including designation of wetland protection areas.

Regional indicator plants

A total of 59 species and infraspecific taxa were confirmed as regional indicator species distributed in Aphaedo Island, including four grade V taxa [Albizia calcora (Roxb.) Prain, Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc., Utricularia bifida L., Utricularia racemosa Wall. ex Walp.], six taxa in grade IV [including Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom., Salomonia oblongifolia DC., Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara), and H. Hara etc], 19 taxa in grade III [including Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. var. japonica (Miq.) Kitam., Cynanchum nipponicum Matsum., Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f. etc.], four taxa in grade II, and 26 taxa in grade I. These taxa represent 13.1% of vascular plants identified on Aphaedo Island. A total of 24 taxa, including Polygonum fusco-ochreatum, Trichosanthes kirilowii, and Cynanchum nipponicum, are newly recorded regional indicator species (Table 5).
The majority of these regional indicator species in grade V and IV are endangered and rare plants of the Red Data Book of Endangered Vascular Plants in Korea (Table 4). Albizia calcora (Fig. 2A) is restricted to the western coast while Wisteria japonica (Fig. 2B) distributes relatively broad in the south coast and coastal areas in Jeollabuk-do. Both species are not currently protected by law. They are exposed to development threats because they are growing in the vicinity of villages (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). Polygonum fusco-ochreatum, a halophyte reported in the western coast of south Chungcheong-do, was observed around the native habitat of Albizia kalkora on the coast of Garyong-ri. Cladium chinense Nees and Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. (Fig. 2H) are restricted to the southern coastal regions and islands in Korea, respectively. In this study, they were found in the south coast of Songgongsan Mountain and wetlands of south slopes, respectively.

Endemic plants

The following endemic plants in the Korean Peninsula were identified in the survey area: Hepatica insularis Nakai, Indigofera koreana Ohwi, Lespedeza maritima Nakai, Forsythia koreana (Rdhder) Nakai, Paulownia coreana Uyeki, and Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L. H. Bailey. This is equivalent to 1.6% of 360 species (including infraspecific taxa) of Korean endemic plants (Chung et al., 2017) (Table 6). Hepatica insularis was discovered in southern slope of Songgongsan Mountain while Indigofera koreana Ohwi was growing in the forests of Bunmae-ri and near Geumsansa Temple in Garyongri. Lespedeza maritima was distributed at the mountain foot of the north side of the Bokryong-ri Horae reservoir while Forsythia koreana (planted) was collected in the forests and farms near Horae reservoir. Paulownia coreana and Weigela subsessilis not previously reported on Aphaedo Island flora were observed in Bunmae-ri Moknaru and Songgongsan Mounatain north slopes, respectively.

Naturalized plants and invasive species

A total of 52 species and infraspecific taxa (in 16 families 40 genera) examined in this study are naturalized plants. This is equivalent to 11.5% of total vascular plants in Aphaedo Island. Among these, invasive (i.e., ecosystem disturbing) plant species include Rumex acetosella L., Aster pilosus Willd., Hypochaeris radicata L., Solidago altissima L., Paspalum distichum L., and P. distichum L. var. indutum Shinners (Table 7). A total of 334 taxa of naturalized plants listed in the 1st alien species management program of the Ministry of Environment (Bang, 2014) are divided into four categories based on risk level: ecosystem risk, ecosystem risk concern, harmless to ecosystem, and unclassified. According to the risk level, naturalized plants of Aphaedo Island are classified as follows. Ecosystem risk species includs all six invasive species listed above. Ecosystem risk concern species were Phytolacca americana L., Plantago lanceolata L., and Aster subulatus Michx.. Thirteen species were included in harmless to ecosystem category while 29 species were classified in the unclassified category. On the other hand, Indigofera bungeana Walp. not inlcuded in the list of the Ministry of Environment is a plant introduced from China for landslide prevention as well as greening purpose. It was included in the list of naturalized plants of this study.
Naturalized plants (species and infraspecific taxa) surveyed in Aphaedo Island since 2003 include 11 taxa by Park (2004), 67 taxa (a total of 68 taxa are presented, of which Veronica polita Fr. subsp. lilacina (H. Hara ex T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz. are excluded here because they are native plants) by Kim (2008), 16 taxa by Hwang et al. (2013), 10 taxa by Jeong et al. (2011), and 55 taxa by Nam et al. (2012). The total number of naturalized plants reported in Aphaedo Island reached a total of 22 families, 77 genera, 100 taxa (species and infraspecific taxa), including 12 newly confirmed ones in this study such as Malva neglecta Wallr., Aster pilosus, and Briza minor L. etc. (Tables 7, 8). This corresponds to 14.7% of 680 taxa (excluding cultivated plants) of vascular plants distributed on Aphaedo Island to date. The percentage of naturalized plants (naturalization rate) in Aphaedo Island is higher than that of Imjado Island (5.5%) (Hong et al., 2011), Dochodo Island (8.9%) (Nam et al., 2012), and Bigeumdo Island (9.6%) (Nam et al., 2012). In addition, this is higher than the average naturalization rate (7.66%) of plants in inhabited island of Jeollanam-do and the naturalization rate of plants on islands in the Yellow Sea (8.39%) (Kim et al., 2017). The naturalization rate of plants on inhabited islands has a significant positive correlation with the size of the island (Kim et al., 2017). The naturalization rate of plants on Aphaedo Island is high compared to the naturalization rate of plants on Daebudo Island (12.9%) (Lim et al., 2014) which is adjacent to the metropolitan area and under accelerated development.
Aphaedaegyo is a bridge connecting Aphaedo Island and Mokpo City. It was started in 2000 and completed in 2008. Naturalized plants of Aphaedo Island were increased by a factor of 1.4 compared to that at the beginning period of the bridge construction (11 taxa) and 9 times just before the onset (69 taxa) (Table 8). On the other hand, most of invasive plants identified in this survey were found in the vicinity of Sinjangri, the place where it was connected with the Aphaedaegyo. Aster pilosus, Hypochaeris radicata, and Solidago altissima were frequently observed near the marina and Route 2. Paspalum distichum and P. distichum var. indutum were found near the reservoir (Ohoje) located in the northwest of the Aphaedaegyo and in a nearby waterway. On the other hand, Rumex acetosella and Hypochaeris radicata were distributed sporadically along the southern slope of Songgongsan Mountain where rare plants such as Utricularia bifida, Centranthera cochinchinensis, and Pogonia japonica were found.
Once the Saecheonnyeondaegyo is open in 2018 and Amtaedo Island, Jaeundo Island, Palgeumdo Island, and Anjwado Island are connected to Aphaedo Island, it is expected that naturalized plants of Aphaedo Island will rapidly flow into these areas. Island areas are vulnerable to external influx and environmental changes due to limited habitat space (Kim et al., 2017). From this perspective, it is necessary to closely monitor the naturalized plants on these islands.


Conflict of Interest
Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


This work was supported by a grant (NIBR201701202) from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Republic of Korea.

Fig. 1.
Map of the investigated area (Aphaedo Island).
Fig. 2.
Some remarkable plants in Aphaedo Island. A. Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain. B. Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc. C. Salomonia oblongifolia DC. D. Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara) H. Hara. E. Utricularia bifida L. F. Utricularia racemosa Wall. ex Walp. G. Hololeion maximowiczii Kitam. H. Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. I. Pogonia japonica Rchb. f.
Table 1.
Investigation timeline and location in Aphaedo Island.
Date Locality in Aphaedo Island
30 May 2011 Garyong-ri, Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Bunmae-ri, Sinjang-ri, Hakgyo-ri
29 Aug 2011 Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Sinjang-ri
5–6 May 2012 Garyong-ri, Bongnyong-ri, Bunmae-ri, Hakgyo-ri, Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Janggam-ri
23–24 May 2012 Garyong-ri, Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Bongnyong-ri
9 Jul 2012 Bongnyong-ri, Sinyong-ri, Garyong-ri
20 Aug 2012 Janggam-ri, Sinyong-ri, Dongseo-ri, Sinjang-ri, Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Bunmae-ri, Hakgyo-ri
22 Aug 2012 Songgong-ri
24–25 Sep 2012 Garyong-ri, Bongnyong-ri, Sinyong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Songgong-ri, Bunmae-ri, Janggam-ri
4–5 Oct 2012 Sinjang-ri, Janggam-ri, Garyong-ri, Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Bunmae-ri
15 Mar 2013 Songgong-ri
9 Jul 2013 Garyong-ri, Bongnyong-ri, Songgong-ri, Sinyong-ri, Hakgyo-ri
9 Nov 2013 Songgong-ri
22 May 2014 Bunmae-ri, Songgong-ri
3 Jul 2014 Songgong-ri
11 Aug 2014 Bongnyong-ri, Garyong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Songgong-ri
14 Oct 2014 Daecheon-ri, Songgong-ri, Sinjang-ri
12 Aug 2015 Bunmae-ri
26–27 Aug 2015 Songgong-ri, Daecheon-ri, Dongseo-ri, Garyong-ri
12 Sep 2015 Songgong-ri
22–23 Sep 2015 Garyong-ri, Bongnyong-ri
21 Oct 2015 Daecheon-ri, Garyong-ri
21 Mar 2016 Bunmae-ri, Hakgyo-ri, Sinyong-ri, Bongnyong-ri, Garyong-ri, Songgong-ri
Table 2.
Number of vascular plants in Aphaedo Island.
Taxa Fam. Gen. Sp. Subsp. Var. F. Total
Pteridophyta 10 11 13 - - - 13
Gymnospermae 2 4 7 - - - 7
Angiospermae 90 279 393 6 30 2 431
Dicotyledon 74 200 276 4 19 1 300
Monocotyledon 16 79 117 2 11 1 131

Total 102 294 413 6 30 2 451
Table 3.
List of halophytes in Aphaedo Island.
Family Taxa
Dryopteridaceae Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl 도깨비고비a
Pinaceae Pinus thunbergii Parl. 곰솔
Chenopodiaceae Atriplex gmelinii C. A. Mey. 가는갯능쟁이
Chenopodium glaucum L. 취명아주
Salicornia europaea L. 퉁퉁마디
Salsola komarovii Iljin 수송나물a
Suaeda australis (R. Br.) Moq. 방석나물
Suaeda glauca (Bunge) Bunge 나문재
Suaeda japonica Makino 칠면초a
Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort. 해홍나물
Caryophyllaceae Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. 갯개미자리
Polygonaceae Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom. 큰옥매듭풀a
Primulaceae Lysimachia mauritiana Lam. 갯까치수염
Rosaceae Rosa rugosa Thunb. 해당화
Rosa wichuraiana Crép. ex Déségl. 돌가시나무
Fabaceae Lathyrus japonicus Willd. 갯완두a
Apiaceae Cnidium japonicum Miq. 갯사상자
Glehnia littoralis F. Schmidt ex Miq. 갯방풍a
Convolvulaceae Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult. 갯메꽃a
Verbenaceae Vitex rotundifolia L. f. 순비기나무
Labiatae Scutellaria strigillosa Hemsl. 참골무꽃a
Asteraceae Artemisia capillaris Thunb. 사철쑥
Aster hispidus Thunb. 갯쑥부쟁이
Aster tripolium L. 갯개미취a
Juncaginaceae Triglochin maritimum L. 지채
Juncaceae Juncus setchuensis Buchenau var. effusoides Buchenau 푸른갯골풀
Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F. Schmidt) T. V. Egorova 새섬매자기
Carex kobomugi Ohwi 통보리사초a
Carex scabrifolia Steud. 천일사초
Eleocharis kamtschatica (C. A. Mey.) Kom. 올방개아재비
Fimbristylis longispica Steud. 큰하늘지기
Fimbristylis sieboldii Miq. Ex Franch. & Sav. 갯하늘지기
Poaceae Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth 산조풀a
Ischaemum anthephoroides (Steud.) Miq. 갯쇠보리a
Ischaemum crassipes (Steud.) Thell. 쇠보리
Phragmites communis Trin. 갈대
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. 갯쇠돌피
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. var. pachystachys (Franch. & Sav.) Makino & Nemoto 갯강아지풀
Zoysia macrostachya Franch. & Sav. 왕잔디a
Zoysia sinica Hance 갯잔디
Typhaceae Typha laxmannii Lepech. 꼬마부들a

a Newly identified taxa in this study.

Table 4.
List of endangered or rare plants in Aphaedo Island.
Family Taxa Criteriaa

Fabaceae Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain 왕자귀나무 VU EN
Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc. 애기등 - VU
Polygalaceae Salomonia oblongifolia DC. 병아리다리 VU CR
Apiaceae Bupleurum falcatum L. 시호 - VU
Scrophulariaceae Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara) H. Hara 성주풀 EN VU
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia bifida L. 땅귀개 - VU
Asteraceae Hololeion maximowiczii Kitam. 께묵 NT EN
Orchidaceae Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f. 자란 - VU
Pogonia japonica Rchb. f. 큰방울새란 NT VU

a CR, critically endangered; EN, endangered; VU, vulnerable; NT, near threatened.

b Red data book of endangered vascular plants in Korea (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012).

c Rare plants data book in Korea (Korean National Arboretum, 2008).

Table 5.
List of regional indicator plants in Aphaedo Island.
Grade Taxa No. of taxa
V Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain 왕자귀나무 4
Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc. 애기등
Utricularia bifida L. 땅귀개
Utricularia racemosa Wall. ex Walp. 이삭귀개
IV Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco 측백나무(식재)a 6
Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom. 큰옥매듭풀a
Salomonia oblongifolia DC. 병아리다리
Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara) H. Hara 성주풀
Cladium chinense Nees 층층고랭이
Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. 애기개올미
III Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. 늦고사리삼a 19
Juniperus chinensis L. 향나무(식재)a
Quercus salicina Blume 참가시나무a
Idesia polycarpa Maxim. 이나무a
Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. var. japonica (Miq.) Kitam. 노랑하늘타리a
Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. 모새나무
Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. var. tsusimensis Matsum. 돌동부a
Ilex crenata Thunb. 꽝꽝나무a
Melia azedarach L. 멀구슬나무
Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. 탱자나무(식재)
Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch. 팔손이a
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. 병풀a
Glehnia littoralis F. Schmidt ex Miq. 갯방풍a
Cynanchum nipponicum Matsum. 덩굴박주가리a
Callicarpa mollis Siebold & Zucc. 새비나무
Verbena officinalis L. 마편초
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. 갯쇠돌피
Aletris spicata (Thunb.) Franch. 쥐꼬리풀
Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f. 자란
II Caltha palustris L. 동의나물 4
Caryopteris incana (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Miq. 층꽃나무
Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. 물질경이
Epipactis thunbergii A. Gray 닭의난초
I Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. 발풀고사리 26
Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. 실고사리
Pteris multifida Poir. 봉의꼬리a
Thelypteris glanduligera (Kunze) Ching 사다리고사리a
Dryopteris erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze 홍지네고사리
Chloranthus fortunei (A. Gray) Sloms 옥녀꽃대
Semiaquilegia adoxoides (DC.) Makino 개구리발톱
Camellia japonica L. 동백나무 26
Eurya japonica Thunb. 사스레피나무
Grewia parviflora Bunge 장구밥나무a
Vaccinium oldhamii Miq. 정금나무
Lysimachia mauritiana Lam. 갯까치수염
Rubus hirsutus Thunb. 장딸기a
Euonymus japonicus Thunb. 사철나무
Mallotus japonicus (L. f.) Müll. Arg. 예덕나무
Euscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz 말오줌때
Hedera rhombea (Miq.) Bean 송악a
Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult. 갯메꽃a
Lithospermum zollingeri A. DC. 반디지치
Vitex rotundifolia L. f. 순비기나무
Scutellaria strigillosa Hemsl. 참골무꽃a
Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. 광나무a
Potamogeton cristatus Regel & Maack 가는가래a
Carex kobomugi Ohwi 통보리사초a
Ischaemum anthephoroides (Steud.) Miq. 갯쇠보리a
Sorghum nitidum (Vahl) Pers. 수수새

a Newly identified taxa in this study.

Table 6.
List of plants endemic to Korea found in Aphaedo Island.
Family Taxa
Ranunculaceae Hepatica insularis Nakai 새끼노루귀
Fabaceae Indigofera koreana Ohwi 좀땅비싸리
Lespedeza maritima Nakai 해변싸리
Oleaceae Forsythia koreana (Rdhder) Nakai 개나리(식재)
Scrophulariaceae Paulownia coreana Uyeki 오동나무
Diervillaceae Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L. H. Bailey 병꽃나무
Table 7.
List of naturalized plants in Aphaedo Island.
Family Taxa Da Studyb

1 2 3 4 5 6
Saururaceae Houttuynia cordata Thunb. 약모밀 4 O
Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana L. 미국자리공 2 O O O O O
Chenopodiaceae Atriplex hastata L. 창명아주 4 O
Chenopodium album L. 흰명아주 4 O O
Chenopodium ficifolium Sm. 좀명아주 4 O O O O
Chenopodium glaucum L. 취명아주 4 O O
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus lividus L. 개비름 3 O
Amaranthus viridis L. 청비름 3 O O
Caryophyllaceae Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. 양점나도나물 4 O O O
Spergula arvensis L. 들개미자리 3 O O O
Spergularia rubra J. Presl & C. Presl 유럽개미자리 3 O O
Polygonaceae Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve 나도닭의덩굴 4 O
Rumex acetosella L. 애기수영c 1 O O O O
Rumex crispus L. 소리쟁이 4 O O O O O O
Rumex nipponicus Franch. & Sav. 좀소리쟁이 4 O
Rumex obtusifolius L. 돌소리쟁이 2 O O
Malvaceae Abutilon theophrasti Medik. 어저귀 3 O
Malva neglecta Wallr. 난쟁이아욱 4 O
Malva sylvestris L. var. mauritiana (L.) Boiss. 당아욱 3 O
Brassicaceae Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. 갓 4 O O O O
Lepidium apetalum Willd. 다닥냉이 4 O O
Lepidium virginicum L. 콩다닥냉이 4 O O O O O
Thlaspi arvense L. 말냉이 4 O
Rosaceae Potentilla supina L. 개소시랑개비 3 O
Fabaceae Amorpha fruticosa L. 족제비싸리 2 O
Indigofera bungeana Walp. 큰낭아초 - O
Medicago lupulina L. 잔개자리 4 O O
Medicago polymorpha L. 개자리 4 O O
Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb. 전동싸리 3 O
Robinia pseudoacacia L. 아까시나무 4 O O O O
Trifolium repens L. 토끼풀 4 O O O O
Vicia villosa Roth 벳지 3 O O
Onagraceae Oenothera biennis L. 달맞이꽃 3 O O O O
Oenothera glazioviana Micheli 큰달맞이꽃 3 O
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia supina Raf. 애기땅빈대 4 O O O O
Oxalidaceae Oxalis articulata Sabigny 덩이괭이밥 3 O
Solanaceae Datura tatula L. 독말풀 4 O
Physalis angulata L. 땅꽈리 4 O
Convolvulaceae Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. 미국실새삼 4 O
Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. 미국나팔꽃 4 O O
Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. var. integriuscula A. Gray 둥근잎미국나팔꽃 4 O
Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth 둥근잎나팔꽃 4 O O
Quamoclit coccinea Moench 둥근잎유홍초 3 O
Boraginaceae Symphytum officinale L. 컴프리 4 O
Plantaginaceae Plantago lanceolata L. 창질경이 2 O O O O
Scrophulariaceae Veronica arvensis L. 선개불알풀 4 O O
Veronica persica Poir. 큰개불알풀 4 O O O O
Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. 돼지풀c 1 O O O
Aster pilosus Willd. 미국쑥부쟁이c 1 O
Aster subulatus Michx. 비짜루국화 2 O O
Aster subulatus Michx. var. sandwicensis A. G. Jones 큰비짜루국화 2 O O
Bidens frondosa L. 미국가막사리 2 O O
Bidens pilosa L. 울산도깨비바늘 4 O
Carduus crispus L. 지느러미엉겅퀴 4 O
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. 불란서국화 4 O
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist 실망초 4 O O
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist 망초 4 O O
Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 큰망초 4 O O
Coreopsis lanceolata L. 큰금계국 3 O O O O
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. 기생초 3 O
Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. 코스모스 3 O O
Cosmos sulphureus Cav. 노랑코스모스 3 O
Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore 주홍서나물 3 O O
Erechtites hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. 붉은서나물 3 O O
Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. 개망초 4 O O O O O O
Galinsoga parviflora Cav. 별꽃아재비 4 O
Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Cabrera 선풀솜나물 4 O
Helianthus tuberosus L. 뚱딴지 3 O
Hypochaeris radicata L. 서양금혼초c 1 O O
Lactuca scariola L. 가시상추c 1 O O
Rudbeckia hirta L. var. pulcherrima Farw. 원추천인국 4 O
Senecio vulgaris L. 개쑥갓 4 O O O O O
Solidago altissima L. 양미역취c 1 O O
Solidago gigantea Aiton subsp. serotina (Aiton) McNeill 미국미역취 4 O
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill 큰방가지똥 3 O O O
Sonchus oleraceus L. 방가지똥 3 O O O O O
Tagetes minuta L. 만수국아재비 2 O
Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.) DC. 붉은씨서양민들레 4 O
Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. 서양민들레 4 O O
Xanthium canadense Mill. 큰도꼬마리 4 O
Xanthium strumarium L. 도꼬마리 4 O
Commelinaceae Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. 자주달개비 3 O
Poaceae Alopecurus japonicus Steud. 털뚝새풀 4 O
Avena fatua L. 메귀리 4 O O O
Briza minor L. 방울새풀 3 O
Bromus rigidus Roth 긴까락빕새귀리 4 O
Bromus unioloides Kunth 큰이삭풀 3 O O O
Dactylis glomerata L. 오리새 4 O O O
Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees 능수참새그령 4 O
Festuca arundinacea Schreb. 큰김의털 2 O O
Festuca myuros L. 들묵새 4 O O
Leptochloa malabarica (L.) Veldkamp 갯드렁새 4 O O
Lolium multiflorum Lam. 쥐보리 4 O O O O O
Lolium perenne L. 호밀풀 4 O O
Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. 미국개기장 4 O O
Paspalum distichum L. 물참새피c 1 O O O
Paspalum distichum L. var. indutum Shinners 털물참새피c 1 O O O
Poa pratensis L. 왕포아풀 4 O O O
Iridaceae Iris pseudoacorus L. 노랑꽃창포 4 O
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. 등심붓꽃 3 O O

Total 11 67 10 55 16 52

a) D, degree of ecological risk (Bang, 2014).

c Ecosystem disturbing plants (National Institute of Environmental Research, 2012).

Table 8.
Change in number of naturalized plants in Aphaedo Island.
Survey year Taxa

Total (ratio, %)a Newly identified Re-identified Cumulative total
2003 (Park, 2004) 11 (7.1) - - 11
2006‒2007 (Kim, 2008) 67 (+) 58 9 69
2007‒2010 (Hwang et al., 2013) 16 (5.6) 4 12 73
2010 (Jeong et al., 2011) 10 (9.8) - 10 73
2011 (Nam et al., 2012) 55 (14.4) 15 40 88
2011‒2016 (this study) 52 (11.5) 12 40 100

2003‒2016 (total) 100 (14.2)

+, all naturalized plants surveyed.

a Naturalized plants ratio in each study.

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Appendix 1.

The list of vascular plants of Aphaedo Island.

No. Taxa and representative voucher specimen number (KP: KOSPVP0000-, KN: KONPVP0000-, NP: NIBRVP0000-) Study

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ophioglossaceae 고사리삼과
1 Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. 늦고사리삼 KP256149 O
Osmundaceae 고비과
2 Osmunda japonica Thunb. 고비 KP255588 O O
Gleicheniaceae 발풀고사리과
3 Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. 발풀고사리 NP582539 O O O
Schizaeaceae 실고사리과
4 Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. 실고사리 KP255667 O O O
Pteridaceae 봉의꼬리과
5 Pteris multifida Poir. 봉의꼬리 KP256151 O
Dennstaedtiaceae 잔고사리과
6 Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex A. Heller 고사리 KN373336 O O O O
Aspleniaceae 꼬리고사리과
7 Asplenium incisum Thunb. 꼬리고사리 KP256153 O O O
Athyriaceae 개고사리과
8 Deparia japonica (Thunb.) M. Kato 진고사리 KP256155 O
Thelypteridaceae 처녀고사리과
9 Thelypteris glanduligera (Kunze) Ching 사다리고사리 KP256161 O
10 Thelypteris palustris (Salisb.) Schott 처녀고사리 KP256248 O
Dryopteridaceae 관중과
11 Arachniodes aristata (G. Forst.) Tindale 가는쇠고사리 O
12 Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl 도깨비고비 NP582525 O
13 Dryopteris bissetiana (Baker) C. Chr. 산족제비고사리 O
14 Dryopteris chinensis (Baker) Koidz. 가는잎족제비고사리 O O
15 Dryopteris erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze 홍지네고사리 KP256150 O O
16 Dryopteris lacera (Thunb.) Kuntze 비늘고사리 KP256154 O
17 Dryopteris pacifica (Nakai) Tagawa 큰족제비고사리 O O
Ginkgoaceae 은행나무과
18 Ginkgo biloba L. 은행나무
19 Sciadopitys verticillata (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. 금송
Pinaceae 소나무과
20 Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. 소나무 NP582538 O O O
21 Pinus rigida Mill. 리기다소나무
22 Pinus thunbergii Parl. 곰솔 KP255379 O O O
Cupressaceae 측백나무과
23 Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. 편백 KP255507
24 Chamaecyparis pisifera (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. 화백 NP582553
25 Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L. f.) D. Don 삼나무 O
26 Juniperus chinensis L. 향나무 NP582555
27 Juniperus rigida Siebold & Zucc. 노간주나무 KP255412 O O O O
28 Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco 측백나무 NP582552
Lauraceae 녹나무과
29 Lindera glauca (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume 감태나무 O O
30 Lindera obtusiloba Blume 생강나무 O
31 Neolitsea sericea (Blume) Koidz. 참식나무 O
Chloranthaceae 홀아비꽃대과
32 Chloranthus fortunei (A. Gray) Sloms 옥녀꽃대 KP255426 O O
33 Chloranthus japonicus Siebold 홀아비꽃대 O O O
Saururaceae 삼백초과
34 Houttuynia cordata Thunb. 약모밀 O
Ranunculaceae 미나리아재비과
35 Caltha palustris L. 동의나물 KP217375 O O O
36 Clematis brachyura Maxim. 외대으아리 O
37 Clematis terniflora DC. 참으아리 O
38 Clematis terniflora DC. var. mandshurica (Rupr.) Ohwi 으아리 O
39 Hepatica insularis Nakai 새끼노루귀 KP289427 O O
40 Pulsatilla cernua (Thunb.) Bercht. & J. Presl var. koreana (Yabe ex Nakai) Y. N. Lee 할미꽃 O
41 Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. 털개구리미나리 O
42 Ranunculus chinensis Bunge 젓가락나물 KP255573 O
43 Ranunculus extorris Hance 개구리갓 O
44 Ranunculus japonicus Thunb. 미나리아재비 KP255639 O
45 Ranunculus sceleratus L. 개구리자리 KP255347 O O
46 Semiaquilegia adoxoides (DC.) Makino 개구리발톱 KP255453 O O
Menispermaceae 새모래덩굴과
47 Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC. 댕댕이덩굴 KP255688 O O O O O
Platanaceae 버즘나무과
48 Platanus occidentalis L. 양버즘나무
Celtidaceae 팽나무과
49 Celtis sinensis Pers. 팽나무 O O
Cannabinaceae 삼과
50 Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 환삼덩굴 KP256144 O O
Moraceae 뽕나무과
51 Broussonetia kazinoki Siebold 애기닥나무 KP256277 O
52 Cudrania tricuspidata (Carriére) Bureau ex Lavallée 꾸지뽕나무 O O
53 Ficus carica L. 무화과나무
54 Morus alba L. 뽕나무 KP255357 O
Urticaceae 쐐기풀과
55 Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. 모시풀 O
56 Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino 거북꼬리 KP256280 O
Juglandaceae 가래나무과
57 Platycarya strobilacea Siebold & Zucc. 굴피나무 KP255364 O O O O O
Fagaceae 너도밤나무과
58 Castanea crenata Siebold & Zucc. 밤나무
59 Quercus acutissima Carruth. 상수리나무 O
60 Quercus aliena Blume 갈참나무 KP255361 O O O O
61 Quercus dentata Thunb. 떡갈나무 KP255469 O O O O
62 Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. 신갈나무 O
63 Quercus myrsinifolia Blume 가시나무 O
64 Quercus salicina Blume 참가시나무 NP582549 O
65 Quercus serrata Murray 졸참나무 KP217370 O O O O O
66 Quercus variabilis Blume 굴참나무 O O O
Betulaceae 자작나무과
67 Alnus firma Siebold & Zucc. 사방오리 KP255373
68 Alnus hirsuta Turcz. ex Rupr. 물오리나무 NP582545 O O
69 Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. 오리나무 O O O
70 Carpinus heterophylla Fischer var. thunvergii Blume 개암나무 O
71 Carpinus turczaninowii Hance 소사나무 KP255456 O O O O
Phytolaccaceae 자리공과
72 Phytolacca americana L. 미국자리공 KP255656 O O O O O
Chenopodiaceae 명아주과
73 Atriplex gmelinii C. A. Mey. 가는갯능쟁이 KN373425 O O
74 Atriplex hastata L. 창명아주 O
75 Chenopodium album L. 흰명아주 O O
76 Chenopodium album L. var. centrorubrum Makino 명아주 O
77 Chenopodium album L. var. stenophyllum Makino 가는명아주 O
78 Chenopodium ficifolium Sm. 좀명아주 KP256199 O O O O
79 Chenopodium glaucum L. 취명아주 KP255554 O O
80 Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. 댑싸리 KP255670
81 Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. var. littorea Makino 갯댑싸리 O
82 Salicornia europaea L. 퉁퉁마디 KP256218 O O
83 Salsola komarovii Iljin 수송나물 KP255684 O
84 Suaeda australis (R. Br.) Moq. 방석나물 KP256209 O O
85 Suaeda glauca (Bunge) Bunge 나문재 KP255722 O O
86 Suaeda japonica Makino 칠면초 KP256112 O
87 Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort. 해홍나물 KP256088 O O
Amaranthaceae 비름과
88 Achyranthes fauriei H. Lèv. & Vaniot 털쇠무릎 O
89 Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai 쇠무릎 KP256091 O O
90 Amaranthus lividus L. 개비름 KP255662 O
91 Amaranthus viridis L. 청비름 O O
Portulacaceae 쇠비름과
92 Portulaca oleracea L. 쇠비름 KN373186 O
Molluginaceae 석류풀과
93 Mollugo pentaphylla L. 석류풀 KP255751 O
Caryophyllaceae 석죽과
94 Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. 양점나도나물 KP318927 O O O
95 Cerastium holosteoides Fr. var. hallaisanense (Nakai) M. Mizush. 점나도나물 KP255408 O
96 Dianthus chinensis L. 패랭이꽃 O
97 Sagina japonica (Sw.) Ohwi 개미자리 KP255560 O O
98 Sagina maxima A. Gray 큰개미자리 O
99 Silene aprica Turcz. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey. var. oldhamiana (Miq.) C. Y. Wu 갯장구채 O
100 Silene firma Siebold & Zucc. 장구채 O
101 Spergula arvensis L. 들개미자리 KP217372 O O O
102 Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. 갯개미자리 KP217355 O O O O
103 Spergularia rubra J. Presl & C. Presl 유럽개미자리 O O
104 Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. 쇠별꽃 KP256156 O O
105 Stellaria media (L.) Vill. 별꽃 KP255611 O O O O
Polygonaceae 마디풀과
106 Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve 나도닭의덩굴 O
107 Polygonum aviculare L. 마디풀 KP256108 O O O
108 Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom. 큰옥매듭풀 KP319812 O
109 Polygonum japonicum Meisn. 흰꽃여뀌 KP255712 O
110 Polygonum lapathifolium L. 흰여뀌 KP255663 O O O
111 Polygonum longisetum Bruijn 개여뀌 KP256100 O O O
112 Polygonum perfoliatum L. 며느리배꼽 KP256145 O O
113 Polygonum polyneuron Franch. & Sav. 갯마디풀 O
114 Polygonum sagittatum L. var. sieboldii (Meisn.) Maxim 미꾸리낚시 KP256120 O O
115 Polygonum thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 고마리 KP256137 O
116 Rumex acetosa L. 수영 KP217358 O
117 Rumex acetosella L. 애기수영 KP255513 O O O O
118 Rumex conglomeratus Murray 묵밭소리쟁이 KP255520 O
119 Rumex crispus L. 소리쟁이 KP290394 O O O O O O
120 Rumex japonicus Houtt. 참소리쟁이 KP255695 O O
121 Rumex nipponicus Franch. & Sav. 좀소리쟁이 KP290422 O
122 Rumex obtusifolius L. 돌소리쟁이 O O
Plumbaginaceae 갯질경이과
123 Limonium tetragonum (Thunb.) Bullock 갯길경 KP255703 O O
Theaceae 차나무과
124 Camellia japonica L. 동백나무 NP582533 O O O
125 Camellia sasanqua Thunb. 애기동백 NP582548
126 Eurya japonica Thunb. 사스레피나무 KP217371 O O O O O
Guttiferae 물레나물과
127 Hypericum erectum Thunb. 고추나물 KP255740 O O O O
128 Hypericum japonicum Thunb. 애기고추나물 KP256119 O O O
129 Hypericum laxum (Blume) Koidz. 좀고추나물 KP255763 O O O
Tiliaceae 피나무과
130 Corchoropsis tomentosa (Thunb.) Makino 수까치깨 KP256162 O O
131 Grewia parviflora Bunge 장구밥나무 KP255680 O
Sterculiaceae 벽오동과
132 Firmiana simplex (L.) W. Wight 벽오동
Malvaceae 아욱과
133 Abutilon theophrasti Medik. 어저귀 O
134 Malva neglecta Wallr. 난쟁이아욱 NP582529 O
135 Malva sylvestris L. var. mauritiana (L.) Boiss. 당아욱 O
Flacourtiaceae 산유자나무과
136 Idesia polycarpa Maxim. 이나무 KP255626 O
Violaceae 제비꽃과
137 Viola acuminata Ledeb. 졸방제비꽃 KP255535 O O
138 Viola albida Palib. var. chaerophylloides (Regel) F. Maek. 남산제비꽃 O O
139 Viola grypoceras A. Gray 낚시제비꽃 KP255447 O O O
140 Viola japonica Langsd. ex Ging. 왜제비꽃 NP582536 O O
141 Viola lactiflora Nakai 흰젖제비꽃 KP319810 O O
142 Viola mandshurica W. Becker 제비꽃 KP255370 O O O O
143 Viola patrinii DC. ex Ging. 흰제비꽃 O
144 Viola rossii Hemsl. 고깔제비꽃 O
145 Viola yedoensis Makino 호제비꽃 O
Cucurbitaceae 박과
146 Actinostemma lobatum Maxim. 뚜껑덩굴 O
147 Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. var. japonica (Miq.) Kitam. 노랑하늘타리 KP255761 O
Salicaceae 버드나무과
148 Populus × tomentiglandulosa T. B. Lee 은사시나무
149 Salix koreensis Andersson 버드나무 KP217379 O O
Brassicaceae 십자화과
150 Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. 장대나물 O
151 Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. 갓 KP255342 O O O O
152 Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. 냉이 KP255341 O O O
153 Cardamine fallax (O. E. Schulz) Nakai 좁쌀냉이 NP582559 O O
154 Cardamine flexuosa With. 황새냉이 KP255430 O O O O
155 Cardamine impatiens L. 싸리냉이 KP255406 O
156 Lepidium apetalum Willd. 다닥냉이 KP255544 O O
157 Lepidium virginicum L. 콩다닥냉이 KP290396 O O O O O
158 Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern 개갓냉이 KP255387 O O
159 Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser 속속이풀 KP255606 O O
160 Thlaspi arvense L. 말냉이 O
Ericaceae 진달래과
161 Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. 진달래 NP582523 O O O O O
162 Rhododendron yedoense Maxim. ex Regel for. poukhanense (H. Lév.) M. Sugim. 산철쭉 KP255365 O O O O
163 Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. 모새나무 KP255637 O O O O
164 Vaccinium oldhamii Miq. 정금나무 KP217365 O O O O O
Pyrolaceae 노루발과
165 Pyrola japonica Klenze ex Alef. 노루발 NP582550 O O O O
Ebenaceae 감나무과
166 Diospyros kaki Thunb. 감나무
Styracaceae 때죽나무과
167 Styrax japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 때죽나무 KP255557 O
Symplocaceae 노린재나무과
168 Symplocos sawafutagi Nagam. 노린재나무 KP255514 O O O
169 Symplocos tanakana Nakai 검노린재 KP217364 O O O
Primulaceae 앵초과
170 Androsace filiformis Retz. 애기봄맞이 KP256133 O
171 Lysimachia barystachys Bunge 까치수염 O
172 Lysimachia clethroides Duby 큰까치수염 KP255632 O O O O
173 Lysimachia japonica Thunb. 좀가지풀 KP255533 O O
174 Lysimachia mauritiana Lam. 갯까치수염 KP255701 O O
Crassulaceae 돌나물과
175 Sedum bulbiferum Makino 말똥비름 O
176 Sedum oryzifolium Makino 땅채송화 O O
Parnassiaceae 물매화과
177 Parnassia palustris L. var. multiseta Ledeb. 물매화 KP255770 O O O
Rosaceae 장미과
178 Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. 짚신나물 KP255738 O
179 Aria alnifolia (Siebold & Zucc.) Decne. 팥배나무 KP255432 O O O O
180 Duchesnea chrysantha (Zoll. & Moritzi) Miq. 뱀딸기 O O
181 Geum japonicum Thunb. 뱀무 O
182 Potentilla chinensis Ser. 딱지꽃 O
183 Potentilla discolor Bunge 솜양지꽃 KP217369 O O O O O
184 Potentilla fragarioides L. 양지꽃 NP582541 O O
185 Potentilla freyniana Bornm. 세잎양지꽃 KP255380 O O
186 Potentilla supina L. 개소시랑개비 O
187 Pourthiaea villosa (Thunb.) Decne. 윤노리나무 O
188 Prunus jamasakura Siebold ex Koidz. 벚나무 KP255423 O
189 Prunus mume (Siebold) Siebold & Zucc. 매실나무 NP582534
190 Prunus sargentii Rehder 산벚나무 KP255455 O O
191 Prunus serrulata Lindl. var. pubescens (Makino) Nakai 잔털벚나무 O O O
192 Pyrus calleryana Decne. var. fauriei (C. K. Schneid.) Rehder 콩배나무 KP255378 O O O
193 Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. f.) Nakai 돌배나무 KP255559 O
194 Rosa multiflora Thunb. 찔레나무 KP255360 O O O O O
195 Rosa rugosa Thunb. 해당화 KP255584 O O
196 Rosa wichuraiana Crép. ex Déségl. 돌가시나무 KP256121 O O O O O
197 Rubus hirsutus Thunb. 장딸기 KP255445 O
198 Rubus parvifolius L. 멍석딸기 KP255367 O O O O O
199 Sanguisorba officinalis L. 오이풀 KP255731 O O O O
Fabaceae 콩과
200 Aeschynomene indica L. 자귀풀 KP255706 O O O
201 Albizia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain 왕자귀나무 KP255759 O O O O O
202 Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. 자귀나무 KP256206 O O O O
203 Amorpha fruticosa L. 족제비싸리 KP255622 O
204 Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald subsp. edgeworthii (Benth.) H. Ohashi 새콩 KP256159 O
205 Chamaecrista nomame (Siebold) H. Ohashi 차풀 KP256111 O O
206 Dunbaria villosa (Thunb.) Makino 여우팥 KP255739 O O O
207 Glycine soja Siebold & Zucc. 돌콩 O O
208 Indigofera bungeana Walp. 큰낭아초 KN373182 O
209 Indigofera kirilowii Maxim. ex Palib. 땅비싸리 O O
210 Indigofera koreana Ohwi 좀땅비싸리 KP217362 O O O O
211 Kummerowia stipulacea (Maxim.) Makino 둥근매듭풀 KP255696 O O
212 Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. 매듭풀 KP255692 O O O
213 Lathyrus japonicus Willd. 갯완두 KP255578 O
214 Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. 싸리 KP255687 O O O
215 Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don. 비수리 KP255698 O O O O
216 Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq. 참싸리 KP255635 O O
217 Lespedeza maritima Nakai 해변싸리 KP255631 O O
218 Lespedeza maximowiczii C. K. Schneid. 조록싸리 KP255707 O O O O
219 Lespedeza maximowiczii C. K. Schneider var. tomentella Nakai 털조록싸리 KP291304 O
220 Lespedeza pilosa (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. 괭이싸리 O O O
221 Lespedeza tomentosa (Thunb.) Siebold ex Maxim. 개싸리 O
222 Lespedeza virgata (Thunb.) DC. 좀싸리 KP255668 O O O
223 Lotus corniculatus L. var. japonicus Regel 벌노랑이 KP217359 O O
224 Medicago lupulina L. 잔개자리 O O
225 Medicago polymorpha L. 개자리 KP255348 O O
226 Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb. 전동싸리 O
227 Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi 칡 O
228 Rhynchosia volubilis Lour. 여우콩 O
229 Robinia pseudoacacia L. 아까시나무 KP255366 O O O O
230 Sophora flavescens Aiton 고삼 O O O O
231 Trifolium repens L. 토끼풀 KP255356 O O O O
232 Vicia amoena Fisch. 갈퀴나물 O
233 Vicia angustifolia L. ex Reichard 가는살갈퀴 KP255340 O
234 Vicia angustifolia L. ex Reichard var. segetilis (Thuill) W. D. J. Koch 살갈퀴 O O
235 Vicia cracca L. 등갈퀴나물 KP255375 O
236 Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray 새완두 KP255515 O
237 Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. 얼치기완두 KP255344 O O O
238 Vicia unijuga A. Braun 나비나물 O
239 Vicia villosa Roth 벳지 KP255569 O O
240 Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi var. nipponensis (Ohwi) Ohwi & H. Ohashi 새팥 KP256129 O O
241 Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. var. tsusimensis Matsum. 돌동부 KP256233 O
242 Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc. 애기등 KP255762 O O
Elaeagnaceae 보리수나무과
243 Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. 보리수나무 KP255382 O O O O
Haloragaceae 개미탑과
244 Haloragis micrantha (Thunb.) R. Br. ex Siebold & Zucc. 개미탑 KP255425 O O O O
Lythraceae 부처꽃과
245 Lagerstroemia indica L. 배롱나무 NP582556
246 Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne 마디꽃 O
Trapaceae 마름과
247 Trapa japonica Flerow 마름 KP255650 O O
Onagraceae 바늘꽃과
248 Epilobium pyrricholophum Franch. & Sav. 바늘꽃 O
249 Ludwigia epilobioides Maxim. 여뀌바늘 O
250 Oenothera biennis L. 달맞이꽃 KP255664 O O O O
251 Oenothera glazioviana Micheli 큰달맞이꽃 KP255694 O
Cornaceae 층층나무과
252 Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc. 산수유 NP582542
Santalaceae 단향과
253 Thesium chinense Turcz. 제비꿀 KP255524 O O O O
Celastraceae 노박덩굴과
254 Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. 노박덩굴 KP255528 O O O O
255 Euonymus japonicus Thunb. 사철나무 KP255349 O O O O
256 Euonymus sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Maxim. 회나무 O
257 Tripterygium regelii Sprague & Takeda 미역줄나무 O
Aquifoliaceae 감탕나무과
258 Ilex crenata Thunb. 꽝꽝나무 KP290404 O
Euphorbiaceae 대극과
259 Acalypha australis L. 깨풀 KP255676 O O
260 Euphorbia esula L. 흰대극 O
261 Euphorbia helioscopia L. 등대풀 KP255561 O
262 Euphorbia sieboldiana C. Morren & Decne. 개감수 KP255512 O O
263 Euphorbia supina Raf. 애기땅빈대 KP256229 O O O O
264 Mallotus japonicus (L. f.) Müll. Arg. 예덕나무 KP255633 O O O O O
265 Phyllanthus ussuriensis Rupr. & Maxim. 여우주머니 KP256163 O O
Vitaceae 포도과
266 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Trautv. 개머루 KP255657 O O O O
267 Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. 담쟁이덩굴 O O
268 Vitis amurensis Rupr. 왕머루 O
269 Vitis ficifolia Bunge var. sinuata (Regel) H. Hara 까마귀머루 KP255682 O O O O O
270 Vitis flexuosa Thunb. 새머루 KP255689 O O O O
Polygalaceae 원지과
271 Polygala japonica Houtt. 애기풀 KP255424 O O O O
272 Salomonia oblongifolia DC. 병아리다리 KP319784 O O O
Staphyleaceae 고추나무과
273 Euscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz 말오줌때 KP255381 O O O O O
274 Staphylea bumalda DC. 고추나무 KP255744 O
Anacardiaceae 옻나무과
275 Rhus javanica L. 붉나무 KP255730 O O
276 Toxicodendron sylvestre (Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze 산검양옻나무 KP255562 O O O O
277 Toxicodendron trichocarpum (Miq.) Kuntze 개옻나무 KP255386 O O
Meliaceae 멀구슬나무과
278 Melia azedarach L. 멀구슬나무 KP255567 O O O O
Rutaceae 운향과
279 Orixa japonica Thunb. 상산 O O
280 Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. 탱자나무 KP255437
281 Zanthoxylum planispinum Siebold & Zucc. 개산초 O
282 Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc. 산초나무 KP255720 O O O
Oxalidaceae 괭이밥과
283 Oxalis articulata Sabigny 덩이괭이밥 O
284 Oxalis corniculata L. 괭이밥 KP255338 O O O O O
285 Oxalis stricta L. 선괭이밥 O
Balsaminaceae 봉선화과
286 Impatiens noli-tangere L. 노랑물봉선 O
Araliaceae 두릅나무과
287 Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. 두릅나무 O
288 Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch. 팔손이 NP582527 O
289 Hedera rhombea (Miq.) Bean 송악 NP582557 O
Apiaceae 미나리과
290 Bupleurum falcatum L. 시호 KP255764 O O O
291 Caucalis scabra (DC.) Makino 개사상자 O
292 Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. 병풀 KP217374 O
293 Cnidium japonicum Miq. 갯사상자 KP255725 O O
294 Glehnia littoralis F. Schmidt ex Miq. 갯방풍 KP290414 O
295 Hydrocotyle maritima Honda 선피막이 KP290387 O O O O
296 Hydrocotyle ramiflora Maxim. 큰피막이 KP255665 O O O
297 Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. 피막이 O O
298 Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. 미나리 O
299 Peucedanum terebinthaceum (Fisch. ex Trevir.) Fisch. ex Turcz. 기름나물 KP256171 O O O O
300 Sium ninsi L. 감자개발나물 KP255773 O O O
301 Sium suave Walter 개발나물 KP256172 O O
302 Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. 사상자 KP255359 O O O O
Loganiaceae 마전과
303 Mitrasacme pygmaea R. Br. 큰벼룩아재비 KP319777 O O O
Gentianaceae 용담과 O
304 Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb. 구슬붕이
305 Gentiana zollingeri Fawc. 큰구슬붕이 KP255454
Apocynaceae 협죽도과
306 Apocynum lancifolium Russanov 개정향풀 O
307 Trachelospermum asiaticum (Siebold & Zucc.) Nakai 마삭줄 O O
Asclepiadaceae 박주가리과
308 Cynanchum nipponicum Matsum. 덩굴박주가리 KP366308 O
309 Cynanchum paniculatum (Bunge) Kitag. 산해박 KP290408 O O O O
310 Metaplexis japonica (Thunb.) Makino 박주가리 KP255708 O O O
Solanaceae 가지과
311 Datura tatula L. 독말풀 O
312 Lycium chinense Mill. 구기자나무
313 Physalis angulata L. 땅꽈리 O
314 Solanum lyratum Thunb. 배풍등 O
315 Solanum nigrum L. 까마중 KP319804 O
Convolvulaceae 메꽃과
316 Calystegia hederacea Wall. 애기메꽃 O
317 Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. var. japonica Makino 메꽃 KP255558 O
318 Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult. 갯메꽃 KP255579 O
319 Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. 미국실새삼 KP255709 O
320 Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. 미국나팔꽃 O O
321 Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. var. integriuscula A. Gray 둥근잎미국나팔꽃 O
322 Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth 둥근잎나팔꽃 KP256205 O O
323 Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy 나팔꽃 KP256272 O
324 Quamoclit coccinea Moench 둥근잎유홍초 O
Polemoniaceae 꽃고비과
325 Phlox subulata L. 지면패랭이꽃 NP582551
Boraginaceae 지치과
326 Bothriospermum secundum Maxim. 참꽃받이 O O
327 Bothriospermum tenellum (Hornem.) Fisch. & C. A. Mey. 꽃받이 KP255351 O O
328 Lithospermum zollingeri A. DC. 반디지치 KP255435 O O
329 Symphytum officinale L. 컴프리 O
330 Trigonotis peduncularis (Trevis.) Benth. ex Baker & S. Moore 꽃마리 KP318946 O O
Verbenaceae 마편초과
331 Callicarpa japonica Thunb. 작살나무 KP255618 O O
332 Callicarpa mollis Siebold & Zucc. 새비나무 KP291299 O O
333 Caryopteris incana (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Miq. 층꽃나무 KP256134 O O O
334 Verbena officinalis L. 마편초 KP234674 O O
335 Vitex rotundifolia L. f. 순비기나무 KP256177 O O
Labiatae 꿀풀과
336 Ajuga decumbens Thunb. 금창초 KP255451 O
337 Clinopodium chinense (Benth.) Kuntze 층층이꽃 O
338 Clinopodium gracile (Benth.) Matsum. var. multicaule (Maxim.) Ohwi 탑꽃 KP255737 O
339 Isodon inflexus (Thunb.) Kudô 산박하 KP255733 O O O O
340 Lamium amplexicaule L. 광대나물 KP255399 O O O
341 Leonurus japonicus Houtt. 익모초 KP256141 O O
342 Lycopus lucidus Turcz. ex Benth. 쉽싸리 O
343 Lycopus maackianus (Maxim. ex Herder) Makino 애기쉽싸리 O O
344 Mentha arvensis L. var. piperascens Malinv. ex Holmes 박하 KP255753 O
345 Mosla chinensis Maxim. 가는잎산들깨 KP256241 O O
346 Mosla dianthera (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Maxim. 쥐깨풀 KP256174 O
347 Mosla japonica (Benth. ex Oliv.) Maxim. 산들깨 O
348 Mosla punctulata (J. F. Gmel.) Nakai 들깨풀 KP256240 O O
349 Nepeta cataria L. 개박하 O
350 Prunella asiatica Nakai 꿀풀 KP255527 O O O O O
351 Salvia japonica Thunb. 둥근배암차즈기 O O
352 Salvia plebeia R. Br. 배암차즈기 KP217363 O O
353 Scutellaria fauriei H. Lév. & Vaniot 그늘골무꽃 O
354 Scutellaria indica L. 골무꽃 KP255428 O O O O O
355 Scutellaria strigillosa Hemsl. 참골무꽃 KP255517 O
Callitrichaceae 별이끼과
356 Callitriche palustris L. 물별이끼 O
Plantaginaceae 질경이과
357 Plantago asiatica L. 질경이 O O O
358 Plantago lanceolata L. 창질경이 KP255363 O O O O
359 Plantago major L. for. yezomariima (Koidz.) Ohwi 갯질경이 O
Oleaceae 물푸레나무과
360 Forsythia koreana (Rdhder) Nakai 개나리 NP582537
361 Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance 물푸레나무 O
362 Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. 광나무 KP255433 O
363 Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. 쥐똥나무 KP255460 O O O O
Scrophulariaceae 현삼과
364 Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. var. lutea (H. Hara) H. Hara 성주풀 KP255771 O O
365 Dopatrium junceum (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex Benth. 등에풀 O
366 Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás 밭뚝외풀 O
367 Mazus pumilus (Burm. f.) Steenis 주름잎 KP255384 O O
368 Melampyrum roseum Maxim. 꽃며느리밥풀 KP255774 O O O
369 Paulownia coreana Uyeki 오동나무 KP255355 O
370 Pseudolysimachion linariifolium (Pall. ex Link) Holub 꼬리풀 KP256132 O O
371 Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. 절국대 KP234676 O O
372 Veronica arvensis L. 선개불알풀 KP255352 O O
373 Veronica persica Poir. 큰개불알풀 KP255339 O O O O
374 Veronica polita Fr. subsp. lilacina (H. Hara ex T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz. 개불알풀 O
Acanthaceae 쥐꼬리망초과
375 Justicia procumbens L. 쥐꼬리망초 KP256164 O O
Lentibulariaceae 통발과
376 Utricularia bifida L. 땅귀개 KP256122 O O O
377 Utricularia japonica Makino 통발 O
378 Utricularia pilosa (Makino) Makino 들통발 O
379 Utricularia racemosa Wall. ex Walp. 이삭귀개 KP255768 O O O
380 Utricularia tenuicaulis Miki 참통발 KP319796 O
Campanulaceae 초롱꽃과
381 Adenophora polyantha Nakai 수원잔대 O
382 Adenophora remotiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Miq. 모시대 O
383 Adenophora stricta Miq. 당잔대 KP320395 O
384 Adenophora triphylla (Thunb.) A. DC. var. japonica (Regel) H. Hara 잔대 O O
385 Adenophora verticillata Fisch. 층층잔대 KP255735 O O
386 Lobelia chinensis Lour. 수염가래꽃 KP319794 O O
387 Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. 도라지 KP255700 O O O O
Rubiaceae 꼭두선이과
388 Asperula odorata L. 선갈퀴 O
389 Galium pogonanthum Franch. & Sav. 산갈퀴 KP255516 O
390 Galium spurium L. var. echinospermum (Wallr.) Hayek 갈퀴덩굴 KP255343 O O
391 Galium verum L. var. asiaticum Nakai 솔나물 KP255747 O O O O O
392 Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. 계요등 KP234675 O O O O
393 Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. var. angustifolia (Nakai) T. B. Lee 좁은잎계요등 O
394 Rubia cordifolia L. var. pratensis Maxim. 갈퀴꼭두선이 KP256143 O O
Diervillaceae 병꽃나무과
395 Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L. H. Bailey 병꽃나무 KP255446 O
Caprifoliaceae 인동과
396 Lonicera japonica Thunb. 인동 KP255568 O O O O O
Viburnaceae 산분꽃나무과
397 Viburnum dilatatum Thunb. 가막살나무 O
398 Viburnum erosum Thunb. 덜꿩나무 KP255420 O O O
Valerianaceae 마타리과
399 Patrinia scabiosifolia Fisch. ex Trevir. 마타리 KP255702 O O O
400 Patrinia villosa (Thunb.) Juss. 뚝갈 KP256130 O O O O
Asteraceae 국화과
401 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. 돼지풀 O O O
402 Artemisia annua L. 개똥쑥 O
403 Artemisia capillaris Thunb. 사철쑥 KP255727 O O
404 Artemisia feddei H. Lèv. & Vaniot 뺑쑥 O
405 Artemisia japonica Thunb. 제비쑥 KP256131 O O O O O
406 Artemisia keiskeana Miq. 맑은대쑥 KP291292 O O O O
407 Artemisia princeps Pamp. 쑥 KP256093 O O O O
408 Aster meyendorffii (Regel & Maack) Voss 개쑥부쟁이 KP256142 O
409 Aster hispidus Thunb. 갯쑥부쟁이 KP256089 O O
410 Aster pilosus Willd. 미국쑥부쟁이 KP256187 O
411 Aster scaber Thunb. 참취 KP256109 O O O O
412 Aster subulatus Michx. 비짜루국화 KP256101 O O
413 Aster subulatus Michx. var. sandwicensis A. G. Jones 큰비짜루국화 O O
414 Aster tripolium L. 갯개미취 KP256208 O
415 Aster yomena (Kitam.) Honda 쑥부쟁이 KP255754 O O
416 Atractylodes ovata (Thunb.) DC. 삽주 KP256247 O O O
417 Bidens bipinnata L. 도깨비바늘 KP256178 O O
418 Bidens frondosa L. 미국가막사리 O O
419 Bidens pilosa L. 울산도깨비바늘 KP256140 O
420 Breea segeta (Bunge) Kitam. 조뱅이 KP255596 O O
421 Carduus crispus L. 지느러미엉겅퀴 O
422 Carpesium abrotanoides L. 담배풀 O
423 Carpesium cernuum L. 좀담배풀 O O
424 Carpesium divaricatum Siebold & Zucc. 긴담배풀 KP255748 O
425 Centipeda minima (L.) A. Braun & Asch. 중대가리풀 KP319783 O O
426 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. 불란서국화 O
427 Cirsium japonicum (Thunb.) Fisch. ex DC. 엉겅퀴 KP255634 O O O
428 Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist 실망초 KP255724 O O
429 Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist 망초 KP255719 O O
430 Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 큰망초 O O
431 Coreopsis lanceolata L. 큰금계국 KP255508 O O O O
432 Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. 기생초 O
433 Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. 코스모스 O O
434 Cosmos sulphureus Cav. 노랑코스모스 O
435 Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore 주홍서나물 KP256148 O O
436 Dendranthema boreale (Makino) Ling ex Kitam. 산국 KP291302 O
437 Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul. 감국 O
438 Dendranthema zawadskii (Herbich) Tzvelev var. latilobum (Maxim.) Kitam. 구절초 O
439 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. 한련초 KP255671 O O
440 Erechtites hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. 붉은서나물 KP256181 O O
441 Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. 개망초 KP255629 O O O O O O
442 Euchiton japonicus (Thunb.) Holub 풀솜나물 KP255385 O O O O O
443 Eupatorium japonicum Thunb. 등골나물 O
444 Eupatorium lindleyanum DC. 골등골나물 KP319826 O O O
445 Eupatorium makinoi T. Kawahara & Yahara var. oppositifolium T. Kawahara & Yahara 벌등골나물KP255721 O O O
446 Eupatorium tripartitum (Makino) Murata & H. Koyama 향등골나물 KP319755 O O
447 Galinsoga parviflora Cav. 별꽃아재비 O
448 Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Cabrera 선풀솜나물 O
449 Helianthus tuberosus L. 뚱딴지 O
450 Hemistepta lyrata Bunge 지칭개 KP255608 O O
451 Hieracium umbellatum L. 조밥나물 KP255693 O
452 Hololeion maximowiczii Kitam. 께묵 KP256176 O O
453 Hypochaeris radicata L. 서양금혼초 KP255729 O O
454 Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvelev 씀바귀 KP255444 O O O O
455 Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Kitag. subsp. strigosa (H. Lèv. & Vaniot) Kitam. 선씀바귀 O
456 Ixeris debilis (Thunb.) A. Gray 벋음씀바귀 KP255371 O O
457 Lactuca indica L. var. laciniata H. Hara 왕고들빼기 KP255691 O O
458 Lactuca scariola L. 가시상추 O O
459 Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. 머위 NP582546 O O
460 Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderb. 떡쑥 KP255574 O O O O
461 Pseudognaphalium hypoleucum (DC.) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt 금떡쑥 O
462 Rudbeckia hirta L. var. pulcherrima Farw. 원추천인국 O
463 Saussurea japonica (Thunb.) DC. 큰각시취 O
464 Saussurea pulchella (Fisch.) Fisch. ex Colla 각시취 O
465 Saussurea seoulensis Nakai 분취 O
466 Senecio vulgaris L. 개쑥갓 KP255552 O O O O O
467 Serratula coronata L. subsp. insularis (Iljin) Kitam. 산비장이 KP256255 O O
468 Sigesbeckia glabrescens Makino 진득찰 KP255672 O
469 Sigesbeckia pubescens (Makino) Makino 털진득찰 KP256227 O O
470 Solidago altissima L. 양미역취 KP256207 O O
471 Solidago gigantea Aiton subsp. serotina (Aiton) McNeill 미국미역취 KP255681 O
472 Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. asiatica Kitam. ex Hara 미역취 KP291290 O O O
473 Sonchus asper (L.) Hill 큰방가지똥 KP318911 O O O
474 Sonchus brachyotus DC. 사데풀 KP256102 O O
475 Sonchus oleraceus L. 방가지똥 KP255407 O O O O O
476 Syneilesis palmata (Thunb.) Maxim. 우산나물 O
477 Tagetes minuta L. 만수국아재비 O
478 Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.) DC. 붉은씨서양민들레 O
479 Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. 서양민들레 KP255354 O O
480 Taraxacum platycarpum Dahlst. 민들레 KP255545 O O
481 Tephroseris kirilowii (Turcz. ex DC.) Holub 솜방망이 KP255443 O O
482 Tephroseris pseudosonchus (Vaniot) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen 물솜방망이 O
483 Xanthium canadense Mill. 큰도꼬마리 O
484 Xanthium strumarium L. 도꼬마리 O
485 Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 뽀리뱅이 KP255353 O O O O
Alismataceae 택사과
486 Alisma canaliculatum A. Braun & Bouchè 택사 KP290402 O
Hydrocharitaceae 자라풀과
487 Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle 검정말 O
488 Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. 물질경이 KP319840 O O
Juncaginaceae 지채과
489 Triglochin maritimum L. 지채 KP255587 O O
Potamogetonaceae 가래과
490 Potamogeton crispus L. 말즘 KP255593 O O
491 Potamogeton cristatus Regel & Maack 가는가래 KP319795 O
492 Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. 가래 KP366313 O
493 Potamogeton pusillus L. 실말 O
Ruppiaceae 줄말과
494 Ruppia maritima L. 줄말 O
Najadaceae 나자스말과
495 Najas graminea Delile 나자스말 O
496 Najas marina L. 민나자스말 O
Araceae 천남성과
497 Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breitenb. 반하 O O
Lemnaceae 개구리밥과
498 Lemna perpusilla Torr. 좀개구리밥 NP582540 O O
Commelinaceae 닭의장풀과
499 Commelina communis L. 닭의장풀 KP255647 O O
500 Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Mazz. 사마귀풀 KN373330 O O
501 Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. 자주달개비 O
Eriocaulaceae 곡정초과
502 Eriocaulon hondoense Satake 큰개수염 KP256168 O O
503 Eriocaulon miquelianum Körn. 개수염 KP256261 O O O
Juncaceae 골풀과
504 Juncus diastrophanthus Buchenau 별날개골풀 KP256260 O
505 Juncus effusus L. var. decipiens Buchenau 골풀 KP256286 O O
506 Juncus gracillimus (Buchenau) V. I. Krecz. & Gontsch. 물골풀 O O
507 Juncus krameri Franch. & Sav. 비녀골풀 O
508 Juncus leschenaultii Gay ex Laharpe 참비녀골풀 KP256311 O
509 Juncus setchuensis Buchenau var. effusoides Buchenau 푸른갯골풀 KP256312 O O O O
510 Juncus wallichianus Laharpe 눈비녀골풀 KP290400 O O
511 Luzula capitata (Miq.) Miq. 꿩의밥 NP582531 O O O O
Cyperaceae 사초과
512 Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla 매자기 O
513 Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F.Schmidt) T. V. Egorova 새섬매자기 KP217357 O O O
514 Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. 꽃하늘지기 O O
515 Carex appendiculata (Trautv. & C. A. Mey.) Kük. 뚝사초 KP256307 O
516 Carex breviculmis R. Br. 청사초 O
517 Carex brownii Tuck. 흰꼬리사초 KP256300 O
518 Carex ciliatomarginata Nakai 털대사초 O
519 Carex conica Boott 애기사초 O
520 Carex fernaldiana H. Lèv. & Vaniot 실사초 O
521 Carex humilis Leyss. 산거울 O
522 Carex kobomugi Ohwi 통보리사초 KP290415 O
523 Carex lanceolata Boott 그늘사초 KP256299 O O O O
524 Carex laticeps C. B. Clarke 갯보리사초 O
525 Carex leucochlora Bunge 이삼사초 O
526 Carex maculata Boott 무늬사초 O
527 Carex maximowiczii Miq. 왕비늘사초 KP256285 O O O O
528 Carex mitrata var. aristata Ohwi 겨락겨사초 O
529 Carex nervata Franch. & Sav. 양지사초 O
530 Carex phacota Spreng. 비늘사초 O
531 Carex polyschoena H. Lèv. & Vaniot 가지청사초 O O
532 Carex sabynensis Less. ex Kunth 실청사초 O
533 Carex scabrifolia Steud. 천일사초 KP217356 O O
534 Carex siderosticta Hance 대사초 KP255448 O
535 Carex tristachya Thunb. 반들사초 O O
536 Carex tristachya Thunb. var. pocilliformis (Boott) Kük. 애기반들사초 O O
537 Cladium chinense Nees 층층고랭이 KP319550 O O O
538 Cyperus difformis L. 알방동산이 KP256330 O O O
539 Cyperus globosus Forssk. 드렁방동산이 O O
540 Cyperus haspan L. 모기방동산이 KP319750 O O O
541 Cyperus iria L. 참방동산이 KP256228 O O O
542 Cyperus microiria Steud. 금방동산이 KP256219 O O O
543 Cyperus nipponicus Franch. & Sav. 푸른방동산이 O
544 Cyperus sanguinolentus Vahl 방동산이대가리 KP366310 O O
545 Cyperus tenuispica Steud. 우산방동산이 KP256332 O O
546 Eleocharis kamtschatica (C. A. Mey.) Kom. 올방개아재비 KP256296 O O
547 Eleocharis tetraquetra Nees 네모골 O
548 Eleocharis wichurae Boeck. 좀네모골 KP319543 O O O
549 Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) Roem. & Schult. 애기하늘지기 O O
550 Fimbristylis complanata (Retz.) Link var. exaltata (T. Koyama) Y. C. Tang ex S. R. Zhang & T. Koyama 어른지기 KP256322 O
551 Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. 바다지기 O
552 Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl 하늘지기 KP366601 O O O
553 Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich. 바람하늘지기 O O
554 Fimbristylis longispica Steud. 큰하늘지기 KP256313 O O
555 Fimbristylis pierotii Miq. 들하늘지기 O O
556 Fimbristylis sieboldii Miq. Ex Franch. & Sav. 갯하늘지기 KP256315 O O O
557 Fimbristylis squarrosa Vahl var. esquarrosa Makino 암하늘지기 O
558 Fimbristylis tomentosa Vahl 털하늘지기 O
559 Fimbristylis tristachya R. Br. var. subbispicata (Nees & Meyen) T. Koyama 꼴하늘지기 KP256325 O O O
560 Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. 파대가리 KP256331 O O
561 Rhynchospora chinensis Nees & Meyen 고양이수염 KP256167 O O O
562 Rhynchospora faberi C. B. Clarke 골풀아재비 KP256256 O O O
563 Rhynchospora fauriei Franch. 큰고양이수염 O
564 Rhynchospora fujiiana Makino 좀고양이수염 KP290390 O O
565 Rhynchospora rubra (Lour.) Makino 붉은골풀아재비 KP319536 O
566 Schoenoplectiella hotarui (Ohwi) J. Jung & H.-K. Choi 좀올챙이골 KP319757 O O
567 Schoenoplectiella juncoides (Roxb.) Lye 올챙이고랭이 O O
568 Scirpus mitsukurianus Makino 솔방울골 O
569 Scirpus wichurai Boeck. var. asiaticus (Beetle) T. Koyama ex Ohwi 방울고랭이 KP255772 O
570 Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. 애기개올미 KP366305 O O O
571 Scleria parvula Steud. 너도고랭이 KP256268 O O O
572 Scleria rugosa R. Br. 가시개올미 KP366306 O O O
Poaceae 화본과
573 Agropyron ciliare (Trin.) Franch. 속털개밀 KP318909 O O O O
574 Agropyron tsukushiense (Honda) Ohwi var. transiens (Hack.) Ohwi 개밀 KP256306 O O
575 Agrostis clavata Trin. var. nukabo Ohwi 겨이삭 O O O
576 Alopecurus aepualis Sobol. 둑새풀 KP255345 O
577 Alopecurus japonicus Steud. 털뚝새풀 KP256333 O
578 Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino 조개풀 KP256251 O O
579 Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Tanaka 새 KP256237 O O O O
580 Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Tanaka var. ciliata (Thunb.) Koidz. 털새 KP319773 O O O
581 Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Tanaka var. hondana Koidz. 이삭털새 O
582 Avena fatua L. 메귀리 NP582544 O O O
583 Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald 개피 KP255640 O O
584 Briza minor L. 방울새풀 KP255518 O
585 Bromus japonicus Thunb. 참새귀리 KP318928 O O
586 Bromus pauciflorus (Thunb.) Hack. 꼬리새 KP256301 O
587 Bromus rigidus Roth 긴까락빕새귀리 KP256294 O
588 Bromus unioloides Kunth 큰이삭풀 KP318908 O O O
589 Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth 실새풀 O
590 Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth 산조풀 KP290417 O
591 Capillipedium assimile (Steud.) A. Camus 나도기름새 KP256242 O O
592 Cymbopogon tortilis (J. Presl) A. Camus subsp. goeringii (Steud.) T. Koyama 개솔새 KP256104 O O O
593 Dactylis glomerata L. 오리새 KP256289 O O O
594 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 바랭이 KP255661 O O O
595 Dimeria ornithopoda Trin. 잔디바랭이 O
596 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. 돌피 KP255628 O O
597 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. var. echinata (Willd.) Honda 물피 KP319837 O
598 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. var. praticola Ohwi 좀돌피 O
599 Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch 논피 O
600 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 왕바랭이 KP255660 O
601 Elymus dahuricus Turcz. ex Griseb. 갯보리 O O
602 Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees 능수참새그령 O
603 Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P. Beauv. 큰비노리 O
604 Eulalia speciosa (Debeaux) Kuntze 개억새 KP320397 O O
605 Festuca arundinacea Schreb. 큰김의털 O O
606 Festuca myuros L. 들묵새 O O
607 Festuca ovina L. 김의털 KP256231 O O O O
608 Festuca parvigluma Steud. 김의털아재비 O
609 Festuca rubra L. 왕김의털 O
610 Hemarthria compressa (L. f.) R. Br. var. japonica (Hack.) Ohwi 쇠치기풀 O
611 Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv. 향모 O
612 Hordeum vulgare L. var. hexastichon (L.) Asch. 보리
613 Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. var. koenigii (Retz.) Benth. ex Pilg. 띠 KP256282 O O O O O
614 Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze 기장대풀 KP255638 O O O
615 Ischaemum anthephoroides (Steud.) Miq. 갯쇠보리 KP290413 O
616 Ischaemum crassipes (Steud.) Thell. 쇠보리 KP255646 O O O O
617 Koeleria cristata Pers. 도랑이피 O O O
618 Leersia japonica (Makino & Honda) Honda 나도겨풀 O
619 Leptochloa malabarica (L.) Veldkamp 갯드렁새 O O
620 Lolium multiflorum Lam. 쥐보리 KP318929 O O O O O
621 Lolium perenne L. 호밀풀 O O
622 Melica nutans L. 왕쌀새 O
623 Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack. 물억새 O
624 Miscanthus sinensis Andersson 참억새 KP256097 O O O O
625 Miscanthus sinensis Andersson for. gracillimus (Hitchc.) Ohwi 가는잎억새 O O
626 Miscanthus sinensis Andersson for. purpurascens (Andersson) Nakai 억새 KP256215 O O O
627 Moliniopsis japonica (Hack.) Hayata 진퍼리새 O O
628 Muhlenbergia japonica Steud. 쥐꼬리새 KP256317 O
629 Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roem. & Schult. 주름조개풀 KP291297 O O O
630 Panicum bisulcatum Thunb. 개기장 KP256250 O O
631 Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. 미국개기장 O O
632 Parapholis incurva (L.) C. E. Hubb. 회초리잔디 KP318923 O O
633 Paspalum distichum L. 물참새피 KP320402 O O O
634 Paspalum distichum L. var. indutum Shinners 털물참새피 KP255645 O O O
635 Paspalum thunbergii Kunth ex Steud. 참새피 KP319838 O O O
636 Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng. 수크령 KP256092 O
637 Phacelurus latifolius (Steud.) Ohwi 모새달 O
638 Phragmites communis Trin. 갈대 KP256196 O O O
639 Phyllostachys bambusoides Siebold & Zucc. 왕대 O
640 Poa annua L. 새포아풀 KP318930 O O O
641 Poa nipponica Koidz. 큰꾸러미풀 O
642 Poa pratensis L. 왕포아풀 O O O
643 Poa sphondylodes Trin. 포아풀 KP318905 O O O
644 Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud. 쇠돌피 KP256303 O O
645 Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. 갯쇠돌피 KP318907 O O O O
646 Pseudoraphis ukishiba Ohwi 물잔디 O
647 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 좀물뚝새 O
648 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 물뚝새 var. oryzetorum (Makino) Ohwi KP256266 O O
649 Sasa borealis (Hack.) Makino & Shibata 조릿대 O O
650 Sasa japonica (Siebold & Zucc. ex Steud.) Makino 이대 O
651 Schizachyrium brevifolium (Sw.) Nees & Büse 쇠풀 O
652 Setaria × pycnocoma (Steud.) Henrard ex Nakai 수강아지풀 O
653 Setaria faberi R. A. W. Herrm. 가을강아지풀 KP255717 O O
654 Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv. 금강아지풀 KP256094 O O O
655 Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. 강아지풀 KP255690 O O
656 Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. var. pachystachys (Franch. & Sav.) Makino & Nemoto 갯강아지풀 KP319818 O
657 Sorghum nitidum (Vahl) Pers. 수수새 KP256246 O O O
658 Spodiopogon sibiricus Trin. 큰기름새 KP256334 O
659 Sporobolus elongatus R. Br. 쥐꼬리새풀 KP256234 O O O O
660 Themeda triandra Forssk. subsp. japonica (Willd.) T. Koyama 솔새 KP255743 O O O O
661 Trisetum bifidum (Thunb.) Ohwi 잠자리피 O
662 Zoysia japonica Steud. 잔디 O O
663 Zoysia macrostachya Franch. & Sav. 왕잔디 KP290416 O
664 Zoysia sinica Hance 갯잔디 KP217360 O O O O
Typhaceae 부들과
665 Typha angustifolia L. 애기부들 KP255654 O
666 Typha laxmannii Lepech. 꼬마부들 KP255655 O
Liliaceae 백합과
667 Aletris spicata (Thunb.) Franch. 쥐꼬리풀 KP217366 O O O O O
668 Allium macrostemon Bunge 산달래 KP255577 O
669 Allium monanthum Maxim. 달래 O
670 Allium sacculiferum Maxim. 참산부추 KP256243 O
671 Allium thunbergii G. Don 산부추 KP256113 O O
672 Disporum smilacinum A. Gray 애기나리 KP255440 O O O
673 Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. 원추리
674 Hemerocallis minor Mill. 애기원추리 O
675 Hemerocallis thunbergii Baker 노랑원추리 KP290423 O O
676 Lilium amabile Palib. 털중나리 O
677 Lilium tsingtauense Gilg 하늘말나리 KP255538 O O
678 Liriope platyphylla F. T. Wang & T. Tang 맥문동 KP289426 O O
679 Polygonatum cryptanthum H. Lèv. & Vaniot 목포용둥굴레 KP255539 O O
680 Polygonatum falcatum A. Gray 진황정 O
681 Polygonatum inflatum Kom. 퉁둥굴레 KP255452 O
682 Polygonatum involucratum (Franch. & Sav.) Maxim. 용둥굴레 KP255436 O O O
683 Polygonatum lasianthum Maxim. 죽대 KP255537 O O
684 Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce var. pluriflorum (Miq.) Ohwi 둥굴레 O
685 Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce 무릇 KP255732 O O O
Iridaceae 붓꽃과
686 Iris ensata Thunb. var. spontanea (Makino) Nakai 꽃창포 O O O
687 Iris pseudoacorus L. 노랑꽃창포 O
688 Iris rossii Baker 각시붓꽃 KP255372 O O O
689 Iris sanguinea Donn ex Hornem. 붓꽃 O
690 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. 등심붓꽃 KP255597 O O
Smilacaceae 청미래덩굴과
691 Smilax china L. 청미래덩굴 KP255368 O O O O O
692 Smilax nipponica Miq. 선밀나물 KP255449 O O
Dioscoreaceae 마과
693 Dioscorea oppositifolia L. 마 KP255679 O O
694 Dioscorea quinqueloba Thunb. 단풍마 O
Orchidaceae 난초과
695 Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f. 자란 KP217367 O O O
696 Calanthe discolor Lindl. 새우난초 O
697 Cephalanthera erecta (Thunb.) Blume 은난초 KP319546 O
698 Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume 금난초 O
699 Cymbidium goeringii (Rchb. f.) Rchb. f. 보춘화 KP255429 O O O
700 Epipactis thunbergii A. Gray 닭의난초 KP255755 O O O
701 Habenaria linearifolia Maxim. 잠자리난초 KP255769 O O O
702 Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb. f. 산제비란 O
703 Pogonia japonica Rchb. f. 큰방울새란 KP255526 O O
704 Pogonia minor (Makino) Makino 방울새란 O
705 Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames 타래난초 KP255563 O O O

1, Park (2004); 2, Kim (2008); 3, Jeong et al. (2011); 4, Nam et al. (2012); 5, Hwang et al. (2013); 6, This study; ◎, cultivated plants.

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