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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 25(3); 1995 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1995;25(3): 141-164.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1995.25.3.141
한국산 용담속 용담절 식물의 분류학적 연구
이우철, 백원기
A taxonomic study on the genus Gentiana sect. Pneumonanthe ( Gentianaceae ) in Korea
Woo Tchul Lee, Weon Ki Paik
Morphological and anatomical characteristics of eight taxa of Gentiana sect. Pneumonanthe in South Korea were examined to establish their phylogenetic relationships. After investigating characters such as stem, leaf, calyx, ovary, stigma, seed coat, and pollen, a discriminant function analysis was carried out. Eight taxa of Gentiana sect. Pneumonanthe were divided into two groups, G. scabra group and G. triflora group, based on the presence or absence of processes on leaves and stems and the shape of corolla and calyx lobes. However, in other morphological (root, stem, and capsule) and anatomical (seed coat and pollen) characteristics, no significant difference was observed among the taxa. Although G. triflora, G. uchiyamai, and G. axillariflora var. coreana have been treated as distinct taxa on the basis of their differences in corolla and leaf size, they were recongnized here as a single taxon, G. triflora var. japonica because of their continuous variation in these characters. Gentian triflora var. japonica f. alboviolacea found in Mt. Unak, Pochon-gun, Kyunggi-do was recognized here as a new forma based on its distinctive corolla color. Discriminant function analysis indicated that quantitative characters of corolla, corona, ovary, calyx, and bract were useful for distinguishing the taxa. On the other hand, seed shape and seed coat appear to be not informative for identification. As a result, four taxa of Gentiana sect. Pneumonanthe are recognized in Korea.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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