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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 25(4); 1995 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1995;25(4): 221-236.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1995.25.4.221
한국산 선씀바귀 복합체 ( 국화과 ; 상치족 ) 의 2 , 3 , 4 배체의 지리적 분포
박재홍, 김남정, 최경, 김인선, 서봉보, 송승달
Geographical distributions of diploids , triploids , and tetraploids of the Ixeris chinensis complex ( Asteraceae - Lactuceae ) of South Korea
Jae Hong Park, Nam Chung Kim, Kyung Choi, In Sun Kim, Bong Bo Seo, Seung Dal Song
Pollen grains of the Ixeris chinensis complex were examined in order to investigate the geographical distribution and population structure of diploids, triploids, and tetraploids within the complex. Both voucher specimens and herbarium specimens comprising 1,144 plants collected from 79 populations of 69 localities in South Korea were used. Pollen grains of the diploids were 35-40 ㎛ in size, while those of the triploids and the tetraploids were 25-50 ㎛ and 45-55 ㎛, respectively. Most pollen grains of the triploids were aborted and unstained quite irregularly. In dipoids and tetraploids, most pollen grains were stained and size of the pollen grains was rather uniform. Among 1,144 specimens examined, 518 specimens (45%) were diploid, 179 specimens (15%) triploid, and 447 specimens (40%) tetraploid. Among 79 populations, 42 populations with yellow ligules were diploid, whereas 34 populations with white ligules were triploid and tetraploid. Only three populations showed tetraploidy. Sympatry was found in nine localities. It was found that the diploids and the tetraploids were widely distributed throughout South Korea, and a few triploids occurred in restricted habitats.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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