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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(1): 63-73.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.1.063
유집분석을 이용한 한국산 사철란속 ( Goodyera ) 의 종간 유연관계
태경환, 고성철
Interspecific relationship of the genus Goodyera in Korea using cluster analysis
Kyoung Hwan Tae, Sung Chul Ko
Leaf epidermal characters of five species of the genus Goodyera in Korea were investigated. Interspecific relationships were investigated using the cluster analysis based on qualitative characters such as epidermal, morphological and cytological data. The cluster analysis indicated that G. schlechtendaliana and G. repens, and G. macrantha, G. maximowicziana and G. velutina were joined on the phenogram respectively. With the respect of distribution, G. schlechtendaliana and G. repens seem to be more advanced than the others. Finally a key based on these characters was provided here.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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