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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(2): 135-149.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.2.135
한국산 둥굴레속의 형태적 진화와 유연관계
장창기, 김윤식
Morphological evolution and relationships of Korean Polygonatum
Chang Gee Jang, Yun Shik Kim
Sixteen taxa of Korean Polygonatum, including 14 species and two varieties were reviewed for external morphological characters (i.e. rhizome shape, stem type, phyllotaxis, leaf and its apex shape, presence of trichomes on abaxial surface and leaf margin, inflorescens, the presence and shapes of bract, bract bearing position, bract texture, perianth shape, the posture of perianth limb, filament shape, and the patterns of filament surface). Based on these results, the specialization and the evolutionary trends of taxonomic characters were examined, and the taxonomic relationships and system of Korean Polygonatum were studied. The characters that show evolutionary trend were rhizome shape, phyllotaxis, inflorescens, bract, and filament shape. It seemed that both thick type and beaded type of rhizomes were developed from thin type. The alternate phyllotaxis with elliptical leaf evolved into verticillate one with linear leaf. The inflorescence have differentiated from the racemose type to the corymbose and the umbellate type. The bract was disappeared along the evolutionary trend, and the flattened filament was the plesiomorphic type. In addition, the phyllotaxis and leaf shapes were taxonomic characters with the level of the section in this genus. The presence of the bract discriminated both ser. Bracteata and ser. Inflata from ser. Polygonatum in sect. Polygonatum. The inflorescence and the leaf apex were taxonomic characters for classifying into ser. Sibirica and ser. Verticillata in sect. Verticillata. Shapes of the filament were the diagnostic characters for species level along with shapes of rhizome and perianth, trichomes and papillae on both abaxial surface and margin of leaf.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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