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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(3); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(3): 201-230.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.3.201
한국산 현호색속 ( Corydalis - Fumariaceae ) 의 분류학적 재검토
A taxonomic review of Korean Corydalis ( Fumariaceae )
Byoung Un Oh
Corydalis taxa of Korea were classified as four sections, four subsections and eighteen species, and reviewed taxonomically except C. bungeana, C. buschii, C. gigantea var. gigantea, C. gigantea var. macrantha growing in North Korea. Among the examined taxa, Korean endemics were recorded as six species; C. albipetala B. Oh, C. filistipes Nakai, C. grandicalyx B. Oh et Y. Kim, C. hallaisanensis Le′veille′, C. humilis B. Oh et Y. Kim and C. maculata B. Oh et Y. Kim. The distribution of C. ochotensis Turcz. and C. pallida Pers. were, however, not confirmed in South Korea. Keys to the sections, subsections and species including description of each taxon were provided here.
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