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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 30(1); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2000;30(1): 17-33.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2000.30.1.017
RAPD 분석에 의한 병꽃나무속의 종간유연관계
김영동, 김성희
Interspecific relationship of Weigela based on RAPD analysis
Youn Dong Kim, Sung Hee Kim
RAPD data analysis was performed for the 35 DNA accessions representing 16 taxa of Weigela and its allied genus, Diervilla. W. middendorffiana (the sole member of sect. Calyptrostigma) was clustered with Diervilla to form the most distinctive evolutionary line within the genus. Excluding W. middendorffiana the remaining species of Weigela were divided into two geographical groups, the Japanese and Korean group. W. maximowiczii (the sole member of sect. Weigelastrum) was grouped with Japanese species. The Korean endemic speies of sect. Weigela, W. subsessilis showed closer affinity to W. florida, a member of sect. Calysphyrum than to other members of the same section. This result does not agree to the traditional classification that genus Weigela should further be divided into two sections on the basis of calyx shape, the sect. Calysphyrum with calyx lobe united at the base and the sect. Weigela with completely dissected calyx. W. hortensis exhibited the most distinct DNA type among the Japanese group. Species status of W. toensis and W. praecox was not supported as the DNA accessions from the species were intermixed with those from W. florida, In general, the RAPD data was useful in clarifying species relationships in Weigela and mostly congruent with our previous ITS sequence data.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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