Rumiceae Dum. 족 ( 마디풀과 ) 의 잎표피 미세구조의 분류학적 검토 |
홍석표, 손세희 |
The taxonomic consideration of leaf epidermal microstructure in the tribe Rumiceae Dum. ( Polygonaceae ) |
Suk Pyo Hong, Se Hee Son |
Abstract |
To examine the leaf epidermal microstructures in the tribe Rumiceae Dum. (Polygonaceae), leaves of four genera (30 species and four subspecies) were investigated by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The stomata of studied taxa were amphistomatic and the size (guard cell) range was 15-56㎛. The anisocytic stomata type was mostly common in the tribe, but rarely combined with paracytic or anomocytic together. The leaf microstructure can be divided four types. ① the epidermal cells are straight or arched polygonal, and epicuticular wax was not developed (Emex, Rumex sect Platypodium, R. sect. Acetosa:R. scutatus, R. lunaria, some taxa of R. sect. Rumex). ② the epidermal cells are undulate, elongated polygonal, and epicuticular wax was not well developed (a few taxa of Rumex sect. Rumex). ③ the epidermal cells are straight polygonal, and have crystalline (granular) waxes forming scattered grains on the surface (Oxyria digyna, most taxa of the Rumex sect. Acetosella and R. sect. Acetosa). ④ the epidermal cells are mostly straight or undulate polygonal, and epicuticular wax was well developed (the most taxa of the genus Rheum, including Oxyria sinensis). The peltate trichome is occurred on the leaves of the most investigated taxa, and conical shapes of unicellular trichome is present in the genus Rheum and some taxa of Rumex. Finally, the taxonomic significance of the leaf micromorphological features in identification and elucidation of the tribe Rumiceae, especially between or within the genera including among the species is also briefly discussed. |