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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 40(4); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2010;40(4): 262-266.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2010.40.4.262
신변종 다발꽃향유(꿀풀과)
이창숙 , 서형민 , 정미숙 , 정영순 , 이남숙
A New Variety of Elsholtzia (Lamiaceae): E. splendens var. fasciflora from Korea
Chang Shook Lee, Hyoung Min Suh, Mi Sook Chung, Yeong Soon Chung, Nam Sook Lee
Received: November 10, 2010   Accepted: December 16, 2010
A new variety of Elsholtzia splendens (Lamiaceae) was found by the roadside of a mountain base at Jungmun-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do. The new taxon is termed Elsholtzia splendens var. fasciflora N.S. Lee, M.S. Chung & C.S. Lee, var. nov. The Korean name ``Da-bal-kkot-hyang-yu`` was given. The morphological characters and illustrations of the species based on the holotype are provided together with a photograph of the habitat. It is distinctly distinguished from Elsholtzia splendens var. splendens by a few characteristics: leaves that area 2-4 cm long, leaves beneath the inflorescence, typically mostly 4; and inflorescence mosyly 2-4, fascicled, involucres oval.
KeyWords: Elsholtzia splendens var. fasciflora, a new variety, Lamiaceae
주요어: 다발꽃향유, 신변종, 꿀풀과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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