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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 41(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2011;41(3): 230-234.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.3.230
Unrecorded Liverwort species from Korean flora: Alobiellopsis parvifolius (Cephaloziaceae), Calypogeia japonica (Calypogeiaceae), Hattoria yakushimensis (Lophoziaceae), Nardia subclavata (Solenostomataceae)
Seung Se Choi, Vadim A. Bakalin, Chul Hwan Kim, Byung Yun Sun
Received: July 18, 2011  Revised: September 6, 2011   Accepted: September 13, 2011
While preparing a floristic study of Korean hepatics, we discovered the 4 unrecorded species Alobiellopsis parvifolius, Calypogeia japonica, Hattoria yakushimensis and Nardia subclavata. A. parvifolius is often confused with Solenostoma fusiforme (Steph.) Amak. in appearance, but the former differs by occasional presence of underleaves and a large hyaline outer cells of stem. C. japonica is similar to C. tosana (Steph.) Steph. The former, however, is separated from the latter by 2?3 biconcentric oil-bodies per cell compared to 3?5 grape oilbodies per cell. H. yakushimensis is a monotypic genus based on a Japanese species. This genus is characterized by unlobed, closely imbricate leaves with margins distinctly incurved and usually pigmented with a reddish purple color. N. subclavata is similar to N. assamica (Mitt.) Amakawa in large underleaves and globular oil-bodies. The former, however, is separated from the latter by convex trigones versus concave trigones, smooth cuticles versus smooth to verrucose cuticles, and oil-bodies occurring in each cell versus occurring in approximately half or fewer leaf cells.
KeyWords: Marchantiophyta, Liverwort, unrecorded hepatics species
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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