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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 41(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2011;41(3): 271-279.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.3.271
Distribution and morphological characteristics of Scopolia japonica Maxim. in Korea
Chang Gee Jang, Myung Soon Park, Bo Mi Nam, Hubert H. Pak, Jeong Ae Eom, Gyu Young Chung
Received: August 26, 2011  Revised: September 8, 2011   Accepted: September 13, 2011
The morphological characteristics of the Korean Scopolia japonica Maxim., commonly known as ``Mi-chi-gwang-i-pul`` in Korean, were re-evaluated in comparison with results from previous research, while the distribution map was formulated according to existing flora and voucher specimens. The result of the re-evaluation has shown that there are some distinctive discrepancies compared to the previous reports of some characteristics such as the color of the basal stem, numbers of lateral veins, apex shape of calyx and corolla including the color of corolla. The Korean Scopolia japonica Maxim is found throughout Korea except Jeju-do province. The intra-specific species such as S. parviflora (Dunn.) Nakai, S. lutescens Y.N. Lee and S. kwangdokensis Y.N. Lee were treated as synonyms of S. japonica Maxim. in this research.
KeyWords: Mi-chi-gwang-i-pul, Scopolia japonica Maxim., Morphology, Distribution
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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