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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(4); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(4): 330-334.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.4.330
검정납작골풀(골풀과): 한국 미기록 식물
김성민 , 조양훈 , 김종환 , 심상득 , 김상태
Juncus fauriei Lev. & Vaniot (Juncaceae): a new record in Korea
Sung Min Kim, Yang Hoon Cho, Jong Hwan Kim, Sang Deug Shim, Sang Tae Kim
Distribution of Juncus fauriei Lev. & Vaniot were restricted in Japan and Russia in previous literatures. We found its new distribution in the Korean peninsula: wet meadows of sandy seashore in Ha-Jo-Dae, Kangwon province. The plants have flattened stems (usually coiled) and black-colored margin in tepals. These are key characters to distinguish J. fauriei from J. decipiens, J. setchuensis, J. haenkei, and J. brachyspathus, which are closely related Korean taxa in the section Juncotypus. We provide description, distribution, and detailed photos of J. fauriei, and key for Korean taxa of sect. Juncotypus. The plant is named as "Geom-Jeong-Nap-Jak-Gol-Pul" in Korean.
KeyWords: Juncotypus절, Juncus fauriei, Juncaceae, Juncus; new record in Korea, section Juncotypus
주요어: 검정납작골풀, 골풀과, 골풀속, 미기록 식물
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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