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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(2); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(2): 90-93.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.2.90
한국 미기록 양치식물: 솔잎고사리(꼬리고사리과)
손성원 , 이한권 , 양형호 , 이강협 , 김성식 , 권혜진 , 조용찬
A new record of fern species from Korean flora: Asplenium septentrionale(L.) Hoffm. (Aspleniaceae)
Sung Won Song, Han Kweon Lee, Hyung Ho Yang, Kang Hyup Lee, Sung Sik Kim, Hye Jin Kwon, Yong Chan Cho
Asplenium septentriodnale (L) Hoffm., belonging to the family Aspleniaceae, was recently recorded for the first time in Gyongsangbuk-do, Uljin-gun, Buk-myeon, Docheon-ri. This soecies is distributed in Northern America, Europe, and Asia. This species, which is related by taxa of Asplenium, is distinguished in that it possesses a leaf blade that is more or less dichotomously divided, forked 1-2(-3)times, and narrowly linear(5-20mm length) sori. The newly given Korean name, ``Sol-ip-go-sa-ri`` reflects the presence of a linear leaf similar to Korean pine needles. A description of the key characteristics, an illustration, and photographs of the habitats of this plant are provided in this report.
KeyWords: Asplenium seplentrionale, L, Hoffm, first record, Aspleniaceae
주요어: 솔잎고사리, 미기록, 꼬리고사리과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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