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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(4): 252-262.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.4.252
캄보디아 프놈보콜국립공원의 Balanophora fungosa var. indica 의 숙주식물에 대한 DNA barcoding 기법을 통한 동정
김주환 , 원효식
Identification of host plant species of Balanophora fungosa var. indica from Phnom Bokor National Park of Cambodia using DNA barcoding technique
Joo Hwan Kim, Hyo Sig Won
During the floristic survey on Phnom Bokor National Park, Kampot, Cambodia, we encountered Balanophora fungosa var. indica, which is a tropical holoparasitic plant. To identify its host species, we collected host roots and trees nearby and tried to identify them using DNA barcoding approach. We applied plastid rbcL and matK gene regions as DNA barcode markers, and successfully amplified and sequenced the markers from 15 host roots and seven tree samples. Obtained host root sequences were identified as Primulaceae, Celastraceae, Myrtaceae, and Oleaceae, while trees nearby are Oleaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapindaceae, Rosaceae, Clusiaceae, Ericaceae, and Lauraceae. At genus level, host species are identified as Myrsine, Euonymus, Syzygium, and Olea, but failed in species discrimination. Myrsine (Primulaceae) and Olea (Oleaceae) are reported here as host species of B. fungosa var. indica for the first time. Further sampling and comparative work, and DNA barcoding will help recognize the biodiversity of the area and host species of Balanophora, together with their evolution.
KeyWords: Balanophora fungosa var. indica, DNA barcoding, parasitic plants, host plant, Balanophora fungosa var. indica, DNA barcoding, Phnom Bokor
주요어: 기생식물, 숙주식물, 프놈보콜국립공원, 캄보디아
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