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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(4): 312-318.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.4.312
한국산 복수초속과 동아시아산 근연분류군에 대한 수과괴 및 수과 형태
손동찬 , 고성철
Aggregated achenes and achene morphology of the Korean Adonis L and its related taxa in East Asia
Dong Chan Son, Sung Chul Ko
Morphological characters of aggregated achenes, and achene and its epidermal microstructures were observed for 7 taxa belonging to the section Adonanthe of subgenus Adonanthe [A. amurensis Regel et Radde, A. bobroviana Sim, A. davidii Franch, A. multiflora Nishikawa et Ko. Ito, A. pseudoamurensis W. T. Wang, A. ramosa Franch. and A. tianschanica (Adolf) Lipsch. ex Bobrov] and for 1 taxon belonging to the section Lophocarpa of subgenus Adonis (A. aestivalis var. parviflora M. Bieb.). The morphological characters such as shape of aggregated achenes, length of aggregated achenes, shape of achene, and recurved type of persistent style were useful in the classification of the subgenera Adonanthe and Adonis, and each species of the series under section Adonanthe. Epidermal microstructures of achene were grouped into three types according to the presence of microwrinkles and their arranged patterns. These microwrinkles were absent in A. amurensis, were of parallel type in A. bobroviana, A. pseudoamurensis, A. ramosa, and A. aestivalis var. parviflora, and were of parallelperpendicular mixed type in A. davidii, A. multiflora, and A. tianschanica. Also, a new key to them was made using morphological characters of their aggregated achenes and achene.
KeyWords: Adonanthe절, Adonis, Adonanthe, Achene, Key
주요어: 복수초속, 수과, 검색표
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