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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(1); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(1): 6-8.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.1.6
우리나라 미기록 사초: 진도사초
마사키토모미 , 호시노타쿠지 , 정경숙 , 임형탁
A new record of Carex, C. taihokuensis Hayata (Cyperaceae) from Korea
Tomomi Masaki, Takuji Hoshino, Kyong Sook Chung, Hyoung Tak Im
Carex taihokuensis Hayata (Cyperaceae) is reported from Jin-do (Isl.), SW Korea, for the first time. It belongs to sect. Digitatae, and had been known from Taiwan, China, and Japan. C. taihokuensis is characterized by the staminate terminal spike, bracts with sheath, pilose perigynia, and style base not thickened. We propose the new Korean name, ‘Jin-do-sa-cho’, after its first collecting place. We also provide a key to species in sect. Digitatae in Korea and Japan.
KeyWords: Carex, sect. Digitatae, C. taihokuensis, new to Korean Flora
주요어: 사초속, 그늘사초절, 진도사초, 한국 미기록 식물
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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