제비꽃속(제비꽃과)의 신종: 방울제비꽃(Viola breviflora Jungsim Lee & M. Kim) |
이정심 , 황용 , 김무열 |
A new species of Viola (Violaceae): V. breviflora Jungsim Lee & M. Kim |
Jung Sim Lee, Yong Hwang, Mu Yeol Kim |
Abstract |
A new species, Viola breviflora Jungsim Lee & M. Kim is named and described from Mt. Seogbyeongsan, Gangwondo Province, Korea. The Viola breviflora shares several characteristics (acaulescent leaves, white flowers, pubescent leaf blades and petioles, etc.) with its related species V. keiskei Miq., but is distinct from V. keiskei which has cordate leaf shapes, deep-cordate leaf bases, long pedicels, few flowers, shapeless rhizomes, green fruits, and low altitude habitats by having ovate leaf shapes, shallow-cordate leaf bases, short pedicels, many flowers, Lshape rhizomes, purplish green fruits, and high altitude habitats. |
Viola breviflora, V. keiskei, Violaceae |
방울제비꽃, 잔털제비꽃, 제비꽃과 |