1Dep.of Biology, Kang Weon National Univ 2Dep. of Biology, Chungang Univ
The distribution range of various taxa of vascular plants was defined, based on the materials obtained by studying the flora of the 105 localities and the references which include 8 localities of North Korea. The study area unit is defined by 1/2 intervals of longitude and latitude, and one or more localities were selected in each unit totaling 105 localities. Conventional floral region system was reviewed and its relation to ecological distribution was studied. A now classification of floral region in the Korean peninsula was attemped by comparing the distribution range of taxa in vascular plants and floral region of the world.
T. Nakai divicd Korean peninsula into 5 districts; Northern, Central, Southern, Jeju Island and Ulreung Island part. However, lie did not clarify the standard or the boundary lines of the distribution region. For his boundary line between the northern and the Central part, the Wonsan Harbor-Jangsan Khot line, that lie established in 1935, seems to be more reasonable geographically than the Pyunyang-Wonsan Harbor line established in 1919. However, considering the distribution of Poncirus and others, the Gangwha Island- Geumgang Mt. line demarcated by Oh (1977) seems to be more realistic.
According to the distribution region of families and genus, Nakai,s Taean Peninsula-Youngil Harbor line (1935) between the Central and the Southern parts is found to be more suitable than his Inchon-Youngil Harbor line (1919). It seems to be proper to establish one district including the Northern part of Whangcho ryeung range, Janjin and Gabsan countries, studying the report of Nakai(1930) and Kira (1965), even though Oh (1977) insisted only Baegdu Mt. distribution type as a district.
Therefore,the autlior classified the floral region in the Korean peninsula into eight provinces based on the distribution range of various taxa of vascular plants : Gabsan, Gwanbug, Gwanseu, Middle, South, Southern-Coast, Jeju and Ulreung province.