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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 27(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1997;27(1): 11-39.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1997.27.1.011
한국산 바늘골속 ( Eleocharis R. Br. ) 식물의 재검토 ; 줄기와 수과의 표피형
오용자, 이지영
A reconsideration on the Eleocharis R. Br. ( Cyperaceae ) of Korea - Stem and achene epidermis patterns
Yong Cha Oh, Jee Young Lee
Morphological characters of 11 Korean taxa belonging to sects Eleocharis and Limnochloa of the genus Eleocharis in Cyperaceae were reexamined. The epidermal patterns of achenes and stems were investigated using a scanning electron microscope and a light microscope. The scientific and Korean names, which have not been clearly established, were reviewed, and a key based on these characters was provided. Morphological characters were observed by length and width of spikelet, achene, style base, scale, perianth and perianth pinnule, and shape of corss-sectioned stem, spikelet, achene, style base, apex of scale and perianth and number of perianth. Also, epidermal patterns of achene and stem were observed by shape of achene epidermal cell and silica body of stem, size and frequency of stomatal complex and subsidiary cell shape. These characters were useful for an identification of the taxes Eleocharis Ramtschatica f. reducta was firstly recorded in Korea, while taxonomic positions and Korean names of E. acicularis f. longiseta, E. congesta var. japonica, E. congesta var. thermalis, E. Ramtschatica, E. mamillata var. cyclocarpa, and E. wichurai, were clarified.
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