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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(1); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(1): 68-75.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.1.068
숲고사리삼과 애기고사리삼(고사리삼과): 한반도 미기록 식물의 형태로 본 계통적 위치
이창숙 , 김유성
Sceptridium atrovirens and S. microphyllum (Ophioglossaceae): First report in Korea and its phylogenetic position based on morphology
Chang Shook Lee, Yoo Sung Kim
Two unrecorded species (Sceptridium atrovirens and S. microphyllum), previously known only in Japan, were found in a forest in Dosun-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do for the first time in Korea. S. atrovirens was distinguished from other related species of the genus Sceptridium in Korea by having the thickest rhizome and root, irregularly crenulate or roughly serrate, and a shorter sporophore blade. The local name was newly given as ``Sup-go-sa-ri-sam`` for the species, denoting the habitat. S. microphyllum was distinguished by having the smallest plant height, compact sterile blades, and partly lateritious tropophyll in winter. The local name was newly given as ``Aegi-go-sa-ri-sam`` for species, meaning of a small size. To reveal the interspecific relationships within the genus Sceptridium in Korea, cladistic analysis was performed for 27 morphological characteristics. The morphological characteristics and illustrations of the two taxa, as well as photographs at the habitat, are provided with a taxonomic key to the species of Sceptridium in Korea.
KeyWords: Sceptridium atrovirens and S. microphyllum, first report, Ophioglossaceae
주요어: 숲고사리삼, 애기고사리삼, 미기록, 고사리삼과
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