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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(1); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(1): 80-90.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.1.080
한반도 미기록 태류식물
최승세 , 김철환 , 선병윤 ,
Unrecorded Liverwort species from Korean flora
Seung Se Choi, Vadim A. Bakalin, Chul Hwan Kim, Byung Yun Sun
While preparing a floristic study of Korean hepatics, we discovered the following 10 unrecorded species from Mt. Jiri-san (maximum height, 1,915 m) and Mt. Seorak-san (maximum height, 1,708 m): Neotrichocolea bissetii (Mitt.) S. Hatt., Calypogeia angusta Steph., Cephaloziella massalongii K. Mller, Harpanthus scutatus (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Spruce, Plectocolea torticalyx (Steph.) S. Hatt., Anastrophyllum michauxii (F. Weber) H. Buch, Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort., Lophozia lantratoviae Bakalin, Mylia verrucosa Lindb., Scapania sphaerifera H. Buch. They are distributed near streams and/or on the top of a ridge on Mt. Jiri-san and Mt. Seorak-san.
KeyWords: Liverwort, unrecorded species, Mt. Jiri, Mt. Seorak
주요어: 태류식물, 미기록, 한반도
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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