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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(2); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(2): 126-140.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.2.126
한국산 나자스말속(Najas L.)의 수리분류학적 연구
나혜련 , 최홍근
Numerical taxonomic study of Najas L. (Hydrocharitaceae) in Korea
Hye Ryun Na, Hong Keun Choi
We conducted principal component analyses using the thirty two quantitative characteristics of Najas from South Korea to examine the morphological variation and diagnostic characteristics. As a result of our investigation and the morphometric analyses, each taxon could be identified using the leaf width, shape of the leaf sheath, number of teeth on the leaf margin, number of anther cells, number of areoles in each longitudinal row of seeds, and the ratio of the areole width to the length. Dioecious Najas marina was clearly distinguished from the other monoecious taxa (N. graminea, N. gracillima, N. minor, N. oguraensis, and N. orientalis) by the larger size of the stem, the leaf, the flower and the fruit. The monoecious taxa could be identified using vegetative characteristics except for N. minor and N. oguraensis, which were distinct from each other according to the locule number in the staminate flower.
KeyWords: PCA (principal component analysis), monoecy, dioecy, locule number
주요어: 나자스말속, 형태분석, 주성분분석, 자웅동주, 자웅이주, 약실의 수 morphometric analyses
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
Department of Biology, Daejeon University, Daejeon 34520, Korea
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