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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(4); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(4): 340-353.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.4.340
T. Mori의 한반도 채집지역 및 채집품
김휘 , 길희영 , 박수경 , 장진성
T. Mori`s collections and resolving place names in Korea
Hui Kim, Hee Young Gil, Soo Kyong Park, Chin Sung Chang
Records found on labels of specimens deposited at University of Tokyo herbarium (TI) and references about Japanese naturalist, Tamezo Mori (1884-1964) were assembled to produce collector`s itineraries from 1909 to 1916 in Korea. Mori collected large numbers of botanical specimens from different parts of the country. In August 1911 and 1912, Mori conducted botanical collections in Jeju and southern parts of Korean Peninsula. In 1913 major collections in North Korea by Mori took place in Mt. Baekdusan, Hamkyongnam-do. Following this exploration, in August 1916 Mori conducted another major collections in Pyeongannam-do and Hamgyeongnam-do. It is estimated that approximately 966 Korean specimens collected by Mori are currently held within the collections of The University of Tokyo herbarium (TI). Significantly these holdings also contain 46 type specimens (11 holotypes, 23 syntypes and 12 paratypes).
KeyWords: Tamezo Mori, Gazetteer, Plant specimens, Tamezo Mori
주요어: 식물표본, 채집지명
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