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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(1); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(1): 34-45.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.1.34
엽록체 DNA 염기서열에 근거한 물여뀌 종집단(마디풀과)의 분류학적 연구
박진희 , 박종욱 , ,
A systematic study of the Polygonum amphibium L. complex (Polygonaceae) based on chloroplast DNA sequences
Gao Yaqian, Gauri Shankar Bhandari, Jin Hee Park, Chong Wook Park
The Polygonum amphibium complex (Poygonaceae) is a highly polymorphic taxon that can grow in aquatic environments as well as in moist terrestrial habitats. Aquatic and terrestrial plants of the P. amphibium complex vary significantly in morphology and exhibit very complicated patterns of morphological variation, resulting in the description of numerous infra-specific taxa. Principal components analysis of 107 individuals of the P. amphibium complex from Asia and North America using 11 morphological characters showed that the aquatic plants can be discerned from the terrestrial plants by leaf size, shape, and petiole length. In contrast, both aquatic and terrestrial plants collected from the same population or locality shared identical sequences in the matK, psbA-trnH IGS, rbcL-accD IGS and trnL-trnF regions of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), suggesting that aquatic and terrestrial forms of the P. amphibium complex are not genetically diverged; morphological differences between the two forms are probably due to the differences in environmental conditions of the habitats. In addition, results from the morphological analysis and the maximum parsimony analysis of the cpDNA data set revealed that the plants from Asia including Korea, Japan, China, Mongolia and Russia Far East are diverged from those in North America and Europe, suggesting that the Asian populations should be recognized as a distinct variety, P. amphibium var. amurense Korsh.
KeyWords: Polygonum amphibium complex, Polygonaceae, chloroplast DNA sequences, principal components analysis, phylogenetic analysis
주요어: 물여뀌 종집단, 마디풀과, 엽록체 DNA 염기서열, 주성분분석, 계통분석
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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