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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(4): 300-311.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.4.300
한반도내 당마가목의 실체와 근연종과의 관계-전형질분석을 중심으로
박수경 , 길희영 , 김휘 , 장진성
Using morphometrics to unravel species relationships and delimitations in Sorbus pohuashanensis in the Korean peninsula
Soo Kyung Park, Hee Young Gil, Hui Kim, Chin Sung Chang
Subalpine species, Sorbus pohuashanensis in the Korean peninsula, which is assumed to be evolved from hybridization between S. commixta and an unknown species based on the flavonoids data. Morphometric analysis was conducted on the basis of 19 leaf and flower (or fruit) characters. A total of 721 samples in 13 populations of Sorbus pohuashanensis and S. commixta from Korea and additional specimens of S. commixta, S. pohuashanensis, and S. wilsoniana from Japan and China were examined to reveal the hybridization patterns and morphological differences. We found a preliminary evidence where Korean mountain rowan is more related to a Chinese inland taxon, S. wilsoniana, rather than Northeastern Chinese S. pohuashanensis in terms of flavonoids. The current morphological structure of the Korean mountaion rowan, however, which is more similar to S. commixta, was neither associated with that of S. wilsoniana nor that of S. pohuashanensis. This indicates that this morphological variation represents an intermediate of S. commixta and S. wilsoniana via a more ancient hybridization event in terms of qualitative characters, such as stipules, buds, and carpels. These morphometric differences together with other distinguishing characteristics suggest that the Korean mountain rowan should be considered as a conspecific species of S. commixta, although this demonstration of hybridization with the current phenetic species concept contradicts longstanding historical species concept.
KeyWords: introgressive hybridization, phenetic species concept, Sorbus commixta, Sorbus pohuashanensis, Sorbus wilsoniana, flavonoids, multivariate anaysis
주요어: 다변량분석, 당마가목, 마가목, 윌슨마가목, 잡종이입, 전형질적 종의 개념, 플라보노이드
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