엽록체 matK 와 핵 ITS 염기서열을 이용한 나도풍란속 및 풍란속의 계통과 종동정 |
김영기 , 조상진 , 김기중 |
Phylogenetic position of Neofinetia and Sedirea (Orchidaceae) and their species identification using the chloroplast matK and the nuclear ITS sequences |
Young Kee Kim, Sang Jin Jo, Ki Joong Kim |
Abstract |
Phylogenetic positions of Sedirea and Neofinetia were addressed using the chloroplast matK and the nuclear ITS sequences. We also evaluate the usefulness of the makers for the identification of species and localities. Sedirea and Neofinetia form an independent monophyletic genus, respectively, in both matK and nuclear ITS trees. The sister genus of the Neofinetia was Vanda in both trees. In addition, our trees support the separate recognition of the Neofinetia from Vanda rather than the inclusion of Neofinetia into Vanda. The sister group of the Sedirea was (Dimorphorchis(Pteroceras(Saccolabiun+Phalaeonopsis))) clade. The Dimorphorchis was one of the most probable sister genus to the Sedirea. The sister group relationship between Sedirea and Aerides was suggested by their similar morphology, but not supported in molecular trees. The identification of species and localities of Neofinetia was possible using our two molecular markers. However, several pseudo-gene sequences are discovered from the public data base. In addition, the horizontal gene transfer of chloroplast genomes is frequent events in orchid hybrids. Therefore, we need a careful evaluation for the data prior to systematic use. Generation of sequence data from multiple accessions of a species may helpful to reduce these types of error. |
Sedirea japonica, Neofinetia falcata, pseudo-gene, horizontal gene transfer, chloroplast matK tree, nuclear ITS tree |
나도풍란, 풍란, 의유전자, 수평적유전자이동, 엽록체 matK 계통수, 핵 ITS 계통수 |