The genus Goodyera in Korea was examined morphologically and cytologically and its interspecific relationship and phylogeny were also studied. Five species of Goodyera in Korea such as G. macrantha Maxim., G. maximowicziana Makino, G. repens (L.) R. Br., G. schlechtendaliana Rchb. f. and G. velutina Maxim ex Regel were recognized and a key to the species was provided. Leaf pattern and color, shape and size of flower, presence of multi-celled glandular trichome and presence of hair on lip were morphologically available on the identification of them Their chromosome shapes, metacentric and submetacentric were cytologically stable, and basic chromosome number variation (x=14 and 15) and polyploidy were regarded as one of the important factors in speciation of the genus Goxlyera The comparison of morphological and cytological characters, and their distributions resulted in that G. repens and G. schlechtendaliana had the closest relationship, that G. maximowicziana was the most advanced, and that G. macrantha was the most primitive in their phylogeny.