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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(3); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(3): 191-201.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.3.191
형태형질에 기초한 동아시아산 황기속 식물의 계통분류
송일배 , 허권
Phylogenetic study of East-Asia Astragalus L. based on morphological characters
Il Bae Song, Kweon Heo
In order to find useful taxonomic morphological characters, 17 taxa from East-Asia Astragalus and Oxytropis anertii were investigated. In this study, seed coat structure, fruit surface, and fruit anatomical structures were selected to classify the species in Astragalus. As a results, useful morphological and anatomical characters in East-Asia Astragalus were life cycle, leaflet shape, raceme, petal color, seed color, pod shape, absent or present of hairs in pod surface, bent degree of dorsal suture, and thickness of endocarp. Using medicinal sources in China, A. floridus, A. membranaceus, A. membranaceus var. mongholicus and A. tongolensis were formed same group. However, these were not completely consensus in the morphological characters. The other hand, A. koraiensis and A. sikokianus, which have controversial taxonomic issue, have clearly no differences morphological characters each other. Therefore, A. koraiensis, A. sikokianus, and A. bhotanensis should be conducted a comparative study on the DNA sequences and molecular cytology in order to clarify the taxonomic treatments in the near future.
KeyWords: Astragalus L., morphological character, phylogenetic, plant anatomy
주요어: 황기속, 형태형질, 계통분류, 식물해부학
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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