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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 32(2); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2002;32(2): 209-232.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2002.32.2.209
한국산 가래속 ( 가래과 ) 식물의 분류
김호준, 신현철, 최홍근
Taxonomy of the genus Potamogeton ( Potamogetonaceae ) in Korea
Ho Joon Kim, Hyun Chur Shin, Hong Keun Choi
A taxonomic study of Korean Potamogeton L. was intended to clarify the delimitation and relationships among the species. Morphology characters of leaf states, present or absent of submerged and floating leaves, leaf margin, stipule, size and shape of seed, and the number of carpel were useful to distinguish each taxon in Potamogeton. It is revealed fact that 13 taxa of Potamogeton are distributed Korean peninsula.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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