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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(2); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(2): 178-183.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.2.178
한국산 가막사리속(국화과)의 미기록 귀화식물: 왕도깨비바늘
김선유 , 윤석민 , 홍석표
First record of Bidens subalternans DC, var. subalternans (Asteraceae-Heliantheae) from Korea
Sun Yu Kim, Seok Min Yun, Suk Pyo Hong
We report a newly naturalized species of the genus Bidens L. (Asteraceae) in Korea, specifically Bidens subalternans DC, var. subalternans. This naturalized plant was discovered Geumjung-gu in Busan; Gyeongsan-si, Jillyang-eup in Gyeongbuk-do; and in Buk-gu in Daegu. Bidens subalternans var. subalternans is distinguishable from other Bidens in Korea by the following combination of characteristics: an odd-pinnate leaf, deeply lobed, narrow lanceolate, four lobes in the corolla, an oblong achene shape. This taxon is termed ``Wangdo-kka-bi-ba-neul`` as a common Korean name based on its large size (in particular, the size of leaf). The key for all taxa of the genus Bidens in Korea is also provided here.
KeyWords: Bidens subalternans DC, var. subalternans, Bidens, Heliantheae, Asteraceae
주요어: 귀화식물, 왕도깨비바늘, 가막사리속, 해바라기족, 국화과 Naturalized species
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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