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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(3); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(3): 168-170.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.3.168
화살나무속(노박덩굴과)의 신종: 백두산회나무(Euonymus baekdusanensis M. Kim)
황용 , 소순구 , 김무열
New species of Euonymus (Celastraceae): E. baekdusanensis M. Kim
Yong Hwang, Soon Ku So, Mu Yeol Kim
A new species, Euonymus baekdusanensis M. Kim (Celastraceae), has been named and described from Mt. Baekdu of the Korean peninsula. Euonymus baekdusanensis shares several characteristics (4-merous flowers, 4-angled capsule, warted branches and twigs, etc.) with its related species E. verrucosus Scopoli. It is, however, distinct from E. verrucosus which have small oblong leaves (6-7 cm), short petioles (1-2 mm), and small capsules (6-8 mm) by having large elliptical leaves (11-13 cm), long petioles (6-8 mm), and large capsules (12-15 mm).
KeyWords: Euonymus baekdusanensis, Celastraceae, Mt. Baekdu
주요어: 백두산회나무, 노박덩굴과, 백두산
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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